Kate Gosselin Is Reportedly “Open” to Reconciling With Estranged Son Collin Gosselin, But Is “Bitter” About Collin’s Recent Comments

“I’ll see if I can fit you into my schedule, kid.”

After years of estrangement, a reconciliation may still be possible for Kate Gosselin and her 18-year-old son Collin. 

Earlier this week, Collin, one of the sextuplets–- and eight children total– shared by former Jon & Kate Plus Eight couple Kate and Jon Gosselin, opened up about his estranged relationship with Kate, stating he was open to working things out with his mom, despite the harm she’s caused him over the years.

In response to Collin’s comments, a source told In Touch Weekly that Kate “would be open” to doing the same…if she can get over the negative things Collin said about her in his recent interview.

“I’d be even more open to the idea if TLC agrees to film it!”

The source stated that Kate is reportedly “bitter” about some of the comments Collin made during his solo interview this week, which may add some difficulty to the mother-son reunion. 

“He is her child, and she loves him regardless, but she can be very spiteful,” a source claimed. “Once you cross her it is difficult to recover.” 

“Ain’t that the truth.”

During his interview, Collin–- who has been in Jon’s custody since 2018, along with his sister Hannah–- spoke about his mother’s previous claims that he has “special needs,” as well as Kate’s decision to have him institutionalized in 2016 for alleged “behavioral issues.” Collin called his mother’s decision “unfortunate.”

“I hope that, if we met again one day, she would understand that’s not the case,” Collin said, reiterating that he shouldn’t have been at a facility for children with special needs. 

Collin also called out both of his parents for not being adults following their divorce and he blamed the family’s TLC series for being the main thing that led to the Gosselins’ split. 

“I think the pressure of being in front of the whole world, every mistake you make is out there, I think that was a big influence of them not being together,” he said. “I definitely think they’d still be together [if we hadn’t done the show].” 

While the ball is seemingly in Kate’s court, a source said Kate’s pride has prevented her from making things right with Collin, despite claims that the mom of eight “thinks about her children every day.” 

“I also think about all the Kodak moments TLC is missing by not filming us!”

“She is saddened by the state of their relationship, but she is so proud that she gets in her own way,” the source claimed. “Maybe seeing how willing Collin is to reconciliation will make her realize that things don’t need to be this way.” 

Kate and some of Collin’s siblings are currently living in North Carolina (where she relocated in 2018), while Collin, Jon and Hannah live in Pennsylvania. 

RELATED STORY: Collin Gosselin Denies Mom Kate’s Claims That He Has “Special Needs”; Says He Wishes Kate & Jon Could’ve “Been Adults” About Their Split

(Photos: Twitter; TLC; The Ashley; Instagram) 

16 Responses

  1. She used those kids for paycheck period. Her sending him away was her not having to deal with him not that he needed help and if he did why not step up be the mom u were suppose to be. She was into being famous at any cost including her kids welfare.

  2. She locked her kid in a mental institution for years, and wouldn’t tell anyone where he was. And she’s bitter about his interview.

    I mean if that’s not the textbook definition of a narcissist. I dunno what is.

  3. So she sent her child to an institution when he didn’t need to be there. She lied and told the world he had special needs when he didn’t and then she stole his money…… but she is the one that’s bitter towards him?!?!????

    It says a lot about Kate that her 18 year old is more mature than she is.

  4. Collin was very generous when discussing Kate. He spoke well with great maturity. Kate is insufferable. She’ll never admit she’s wrong.

  5. Kate is bitter because of what he said, how about Collin be bitter because of what she did!!
    What the actual f**k!!

  6. Gee, she “thinks about her children every day”? Four of them still live with her, so I would HOPE that’s true. OTOH, Kate’s life has revolved around her, herself, and her, and pretty much all of their “struggles” have been about how her children can serve HER, not the opposite.

    Collin, you’re very sweet and remarkably articulate for your age. But if you’re holding out hope of ever having a “normal” or even just noncombative relationship with your mother, please don’t. She singled you out a very long time ago as her whipping boy, and that’s never going to change. I hope once your siblings are finally able to leave her house (they’ll graduate from high school in 2023 and, hopefully, there’ll still be some money left in “their” accounts to enable them to separate from her), you’ll find them receptive to reestablishing a bond with you. But while they’re still living under “her” roof and dependent on her good will, I don’t think they have much choice.

    1. I feel like Colin looks the most like John….

      I wonder if there is a connection between that and her singling him out.

    1. You know I usually DESTEST calling anyone a cunt but this is one of those rare times where it is 1000% an earned title. That word was designed for people like Kate. ?

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