‘The Challenge’ Star CT Tamburello Is Officially Divorced From Lilianet Solares: Here’s What the Exes Agreed to For Alimony, Custody & More (Exclusive Details!)

“It’s FINALLY over!”

After a long and tumultuous court battle, CT Tamburello is officially divorced!

The star of The Challenge officially settled his divorce with Lilianet Solares on November 7, nearly one year to the day that CT initially filed to divorce Lili, who is the mother of his seven-year-old son CJ. TMZ was the first to report the news of the divorce being finalized; however, The Ashley has all the details of what the exes have agreed to in regard to money, custody of their son, alimony and more!

As The Ashley previously told you, Lili had originally asked for primary custody of CJ, as well as to “have the ultimate say over most and/or all decisions over the minor child.” (CT had requested that they share parental responsibility equally.) In addition, Lilli asked the judge to give her the “exclusive use” of their shared Florida home, as well as their 2022 Mercedes truck. (She would eventually go on to total the truck in a car crash, according to social media posts made by CT earlier this year.)

She also asked for five different types of alimony

After a very long court battle, Lili and CT agreed to a few parenting rules in September, including that neither could record the child with the purpose of interrogating him. Additionally, CT and Lili can’t ask CJ about the other parent during their time with him. When the boy is with one parent, the other parent is allowed two phone calls a day with him, but CJ is allowed to call each parent as much as he likes.

CT and Lili attended court-ordered co-parenting courses, and also completed the required counseling sessions with and for CJ. 

According to court records obtained by The Ashley, the couple’s Marriage Settlement Agreement was filed on November 6. Here’s what the exes agreed to:

Time With CJ:

CT and Lili with CJ on their wedding day…

In the agreement, CT and Lili both agreed to have shared parental responsibility and 50/50 custody of CJ. They agreed to jointly make major decisions for CJ in regard to his health, education, etc. (That means Lili did not get the “ultimate say” on all things for CJ, as she had asked for originally.)

The Ashley can also reveal that CT and Lili agreed to allow the other parent to create and maintain a “feeling of affection” with CJ.

“Neither [parent] shall do anything to hamper the natural development of the child’s love and affection for the other party,” the agreement reads. 

Both CT and Lili will have access to CJ’s medical and school records, and agree to keep each other informed on things pertaining to the boy. 

Both parents are allowed to participate in CJ’s special events and extracurricular activities, and CT and Lili agreed to split the cost of those activities 50/50. 

Lili and CT will each get CJ for an equal number of weekdays, and alternate weekends and holidays with the boy. 

CT’s reality TV show schedule was also taken into account. (As The Ashley told you in September, Lili was furious when she found out CT’s care plan for CJ while he was going to be away to film for The Traitors 2 and filed an objection in court about it.) 

“Father works in the entertainment industry and, from time to time, may need to travel for work,” the agreement reads. “If the Father is required to travel for work purposes, the parties shall work together upon his return from his work trip to discuss make-up timesharing for the Father’s missed time-sharing days.” 

Behavior Toward Each Other:

CT and Lili agreed not to bad-mouth each other in front of their son, and to forbid anyone else from doing so while CJ is present. 

“Umm…judge? Are we allowed to put tape over our mouths to keep from crap-talking each other?”

“Each child has the right to have two parents and to love each without fear of anger or hurt from the other [parent],” the agreement states. “…Each child has the right to be free from being present during the parents’ personal battles, or being used as a spy, messenger or bargaining chip.”

Money Matters:

CT is required to pay Lili a flat, one-time fee of $30,000 for her portion of their shared home’s equity. 

CT has agreed to pay Lili $741.39 a month in child support for the months he sees CJ equally to Lili; he will pay $1440.62 for the months he is away for work and unable to have equal time-sharing. CT will also continue to pay CJ’s health insurance premiums, but the parents will split non-covered health costs 50/50.

As The Ashley previously reported, Lili had originally asked that she continue to be the beneficiary on CT’s life insurance policy— despite their divorce— so that CT could continue to pay the support to Lilli even if he dies. This request appears to have been denied. The agreement states that CT and Lili are entitled to their own retirement accounts. They will both maintain ownership of their own businesses. 

Despite asking for five different types of alimony initially, Lili (and CT) both agreed to waive any claim for alimony.

“Nice try, though!”

They agreed to pay their own court and attorney costs as well. (Lili had initially demanded that CT pay all of her costs associated with the divorce and court battle.) 


The couple’s Florida home was given to CT, meaning Lili did not have her request for “exclusive use of the marital home” granted. He is responsible for paying the $390,000 left on the home’s mortgage. CT was also given his F-100 truck.


As ‘The Challenge’ fans know, CT’s relationship with Lili had been plagued with problems, even before they got hitched (on an MTV wedding special) in 2018. 

But…they were so happy…kinda…

During the “Double Agents” season of ‘The Challenge’ in 2020, CT revealed that he and Lili had separated

“Marriage was not going well,” CT said during a confessional that season. “We’re separated, and I feel like I’ve been running from problems for a long time. I feel like they finally caught up with me. I couldn’t lie to myself anymore.”

CT and Lili ended up reconciling; however, their marriage was always off-and-on. They did appear together in June at the MTV Movie & TV Awards that year, but split soon after.

RELATED STORY: CT Tamburello & Ex Wife Lili Solares Agree to Parenting Rules After Lili Freaks Out Over CT’s Plan For Their Son While He’s Away Filming ‘Traitors 2’ (Exclusive Details!)

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

10 Responses

  1. honestly, i feel some of these requirements about being kind and decent are aimed more at one parent than another. but i’m glad that CJ won’t be subjected to interrogation or badmouthing of the other parents. it’s so toxic for a child and no child deserves to live in a toxic home. clearly they both love their son so i hope that they treat him like a child and not an agent of information.

  2. All that fighting and she gets $741 a month when she was expecting tens of thousands.

    Might have to get a jobby job girl.

  3. I hope for the sake of CJ that they DO follow up with that but we all know Lili…I’m sure she will get mad when CT eventually finds a new partner.

  4. I don’t know any of these people but after reading this article:
    1) this woman Lilianet’s demands are ridiculous
    2) that agreement is pathetic. The fact that they needed to put in writing that they can’t bad mouth the other parent and how many times they are allowed to call their son is beyond pathetic

    1. The thing is: these two were toxic for each other. After CT’s former fiance passed away, he moved on with her too quickly and had a baby without even properly grieving, she was a rebound in that sense. I hope he takes his time now.

    2. Sadly its pretty common in custody agreements to not badmouth the other parent. I had to have it put in mine because my ex would not stop saying bad things about me to our daughter. All it did was hurt her & make her not want to be around him.

    3. Wish that my parents had had that. My mother LOVED to talk shit about my dad and, later, my awesome stepmom. Guess which one died alone. And which one is still married over 35 years later and sees the kids, grandkid, and granddogs all the damned time, whether he wants to or not.

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