Tamar Braxton’s Boyfriend David Adefeso Files for Restraining Order Against Her; Hints at Domestic Violence Situation with the ‘Braxton Family Values’ Star

“Things are not good here.”

Less than a month after being praised by Tamar Braxton for saving her lifeDavid Adefeso is seeking protection from the Braxton Family Values star.

TMZ reported on Tuesday that David filed for a restraining order against Tamar, asking a judge to grant him a protective order to “prevent domestic violence” against him. The site reports that, so far, the court has not approved or denied his protective order request.

David has not provided details as to why he is seeking the protective order. At least, not yet…

This is obviously an interesting turn of events, considering last month, Tamar was thanking David for saving her life and having her back through all the drama that’s gone down over the last few months. In an Instagram post Tamar even called David “an angel on Earth.”

“… You were here for me when NOBODY was and still is,” she wrote. “YOU and [my son] Logan are priority. Thank you for being my Rock and now, my Angel on earth.”


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First and foremost, Thank you. Thank you to each and every individual who has prayed for me, thought of me, sent me their love and has showered me with their support. In this present moment, it is my only responsibility to be real with myself and to be real with the ones who truly love me and care for my healing. I have without fail, shared with you my brightest days, and I know that sharing with you what has been my darkest will be the light for any man or woman who is feeling the same defeat I felt just only a week ago. Every one of us has a desire, whether small or big, to make it out of where we come from to an ideal future place that includes, freedom to be who we choose, security for our children and families, and fortune to share with the ones we love. We believe these things can co-exist with just being happy. I believed that, that as a black woman, as an artist, an influence, a personality I could shape my world, and with whom I believed to be my partners, they could help me share my world. Over the past 11 years there were promises made to protect and portray my story, with the authenticity and honesty I gave. I was betrayed, taken advantage of, overworked, and underpaid. I wrote a letter over 2 months ago asking to be freed from what I believed was excessive and unfair. I explained in personal detail the demise I was experiencing. My cry for help went totally ignored. However the demands persisted. It was my spirit, and my soul that was tainted the most. There are a few things I count on most to be, a good mother, a good daughter, a good partner, a good sister, and a good person. Who I was, begun to mean little to nothing, because it would only be how I was portrayed on television that would matter. It was witnessing the slow death of the woman I became, that discouraged my will to fight. I felt like I was no longer living, I was existing for the purpose of a corporations gain and ratings, and that killed me. Mental illness is real. We have to normalize acknowledging it and stop associating it with shame and humiliation. The pain that I have experienced over the past 11 years has slowly ate away at my spirit and my mental. (Swipe to finish )

A post shared by Tamar Braxton (@tamarbraxton) on

David has played a big part in Tamar’s battle with WEtv. During the 911 call on the night of her suicide attempt, David went into detail to the 911 operator about how Tamar has had trouble with the network.

“She was very angry early on,” David tells the 911 operator in the audio clip obtained by TMZ. “She’s had trouble with the network, the company she’s working with. And they did some things today…”

The 911 operator then tries to steer the conversation back to Tamar and her medical condition, instructing David to keep an eye on her breathing. David starts to sob at that point, crying, “This f**king network…it’s come to this. When do you get free? At what point are you really free?”

The 911 operator then asks David how long Tamar has been working for said company, but David sobs that “it’s taken over everything… everything…”

WEtv has since cut ties with Tamar, but indicated in a statement that it still plans to air her new showTamar Braxton: Get Ya Life, sometime this month, rather than the original July 30 premiere date it had intended.

UPDATE! Tamar is claiming a very different scenario went down than what David has implied. Click here for the latest update! 

RELATED STORY: Tamar Braxton Defends Boyfriend David Adefeso on Social Media & Thanks Him for Saving Her Life After Suicide Attempt

(Photos: YouTube)

19 Responses

  1. Tamara problem is she’s an over grown spoiled brat. She thinks she the best singer put on this earth and my option is she’s not all that. She thinks everything should be handed to her on a silver platter, people should bow down to her including her family. She needs to stop acting like a spoiled brat. Grow up. Act like an adult and get out her childish ways. The show’s she does? That’s what you signed up for. But when they start showing things that she doesn’t want to be shown she throws her little tantrum fits. When she was fired from The Real the fake crying she did? She needs to learn how to act. There’s usually tears when you cry. Real tears. She needs to get those rainbows, glitter and unicorns out her butt and come down to reality. I don’t think she tried to commit suicide she just wanted out of a contract thinking they would let her out thinking she wanted to die.

  2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Tamara problem is she’s an over grown spoiled brat. She thinks she the best singer put on this earth and my option is she’s not all that. She thinks everything should be handed to her on a silver platter, people should bow down to her including her family. She needs to stop acting like a spoiled brat. Grow up. Act like an adult and get out her childish ways. The show’s she does? That’s what you signed up for. But when they start showing things that she doesn’t want to be shown she throws her little tantrum fits. When she was fired from The Real the fake crying she did? She needs to learn how to act. There’s usually tears when you cry. Real tears. She needs to get those rainbows, glitter and unicorns out her butt and come down to reality. I don’t think she tried to commit suicide she just wanted out of a contract thinking they would let her out thinking she wanted to die.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    he rlly a snake i will slap tf outta him AND his mother

  4. Who in the hell calls 911 that his girlfriend is unresponsive and then began to go in about WEtv. All that mess wuz staged. Then instead of Tamar resting and working on stayn out of the limelight til she got better she’s still on social media running her mouth. Like the whole thing wuz staged. She’s an idiot and David really do need to stay away from Tamar. He’s a business man and she will mess up his business just like she messed up Vince being the manager of so many gud artists including her sister Toni cuz they don’t want the drama with Tamar. It’s time for her to throw in the towel.

  5. Wow??
    My 2¢__It’s all about “MONEY”_ {His}__suppose claim [Her]__ Attempted Suicide, is a bunch of who shot John. Why I think this? Well__when he called 911 he gave the 911 operator to much information regarding her business. Why not just say (Tamar Braxton reality TV star) for easy recognition, for perhaps a quicker EMS response, this man was talking about the bad day she had on set and the network she work for. ” Hell” the woman is dying,,duhh?? Keeping in mind he’s a financier?hmmm that didn’t work she pulled through__Well, there’s more than one way to skin the cat, scream abuse__Now I can sue ?
    My 2¢__ I don’t trust him

  6. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I think she needs to get help and maintain her health and really be grateful for all the ppl in her life.

  7. Shocking … a conniving, materialistic, money/fame seeking, controlling man child has filled against a person he supposedly “loves.” Now that it’s not quite as easy to enthrall Tamar while simultaneously waving lights to the left keeping the Braxton’s sidetracked and focused there and playing loud music to the right to keep fans distracted and unable to truly hear…..well now that Tamar made an IMMENSE & DRAMATIC ACT OF DESPERATION the entire world is now aware. You can distract some of the audience all of the time and all some of the time but motha fucka once you forget those magic words to your parlor spells and make misstep … all eyes turn. Now music lights noise NOTHING can ever get his audiences attention back nor the puppets back on their strings.

    So now we all know the old adage “A bit dog barks loudest” A guilty person always plays the first card of their hand before anyone else can lay down “victim” … and what’s he done? Didn’t lay down his card he THREW that victim play on the board. It’s not difficult if you’re an adult with rational thoughts and loved. You don’t immediately BOOM love someone so if he TRULY LOVED HER HE’D OF NEVER BEEN ABLE TO FILE THOSE PAPERS THAT FAST MAYBE AT ALL. Anyone ever in a relationship knows that even the worst ones still sting and leave wounds and no matter how toxic it takes time to hate and excise someone just as it does to love and invite in


  9. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Tamar….please just be steadfast…you already know who you are….and whom you belongs too…no worries…God will fight your battles…its all His….be still love…?????????

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I thought the two were engaged and doing well…WOW!

  11. It’s still 2020, and at this point nothing surprises me anymore. What’s up with these women beating up their boyfriends?? Tamar needs some serious therapy.

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