Former ‘Counting On’ Stars Jill & Derick Dillard Talk About Why They Left The Show, If They Plan to Return, “Disagreements” With the Duggars & More

“Ready to answer some more questions that we may or may not have submitted ourselves?”

Former Counting On couple Jill and Derick Dillard sat down on their puffy leather couch this week for another Q&A video that will definitely not be viewed at the next Duggar Family Fun Night. 

In their previous Q&A videos, the couple discussed their views on topics such as tattoos, birth control and the LGBTQ community. In this video, however, Jill and Derick shifted the focus to ‘Counting On’ and where things currently stand with Jill’s family.

On why they left the show: 

“I’m pretty sure this question is for me, Derick.”

Jill and Derick stated in their video that they left show because of family goals they’d set for themselves as well as the lack of control they felt they had while being on the show. 

“ … We had to make a decision at that time to kind of put the show aside just to like, pursue our own goals and everything,” Jill said. “ … and it was just like, a good decision for us and nothing against our film crew or anything, they’re great, we love them.

“ … it was a difficult – really difficult – decision but something that we like, really needed to do for our family,” she continued.  

“We saved you from having to participate in the Duggar Dash… You should be thanking us, kid.”

What Jill and Derick failed to mention in the video is the fact that Derick was fired from ‘Counting On’ in 2017 after making numerous social media attacks aimed at Jazz Jennings, the transgender teen star of TLC’s I Am Jazz.

Instead, Derick claimed he and Jill chose to leave the show because they “learned some information just before [they] had to quit filming” and they were “put between a rock and a hard place.” 

“I really felt like it was in our best interest as a family to pursue our family goals,” he said. 

On making a ‘Counting On’ return:

“I don’t know, TLC… will we?”

“Yeah, we will not go back on the show under the circumstances that we were under at the time that we left,” Derick said. “Meaning, just as a family, we have to be able to make decisions that allow us to navigate our lives and have the information and control so that we know whether or not we can even plan anything for our lives or not.” 

Interestingly, Jill noted if they were to come back, it would “probably not [be] full-time,” though she said at this time, they have no plans to return at all.     

On attending events featured on ‘Counting On’: 

Viewers of ‘Counting On’ have likely heard Jill coaching the occasional pregnant sister/sister-in-law off-camera since departing show, but she and Derick confirmed that they actually are present for family events other than blessing births. 

“We’ve been at weddings and funerals and I guess if we’re not shown it’s because we’re edited out,” Derick said. 

“But we always show up camera-ready, just in case!”

On the relationship between the Dillards and Duggars: 

“Yes, there’s been some distancing there,” Jill said. “We’re not on the best terms with some of my family. We’ve had some disagreements and stuff … but we’re working toward healing, definitely, and restoration, but we’re having to kind of just take some time and heal and doing what’s best for our family right now.” 

While Jill said she “didn’t want to go into detail too much,” those familiar with the Duggar family are aware of the “distance” to which Jill was likely referring and more importantly, what caused it.

“Wasn’t me!”

In 2018, Derick claimed he and Jill were not compensated for their involvement in ‘Counting On,’ nor the show’s predecessor, 19 Kids and Counting. Derick suggested at the time that his father-in-law, Jim Bob Duggar, was keeping the profits from the family’s shows and not sharing them with his adult children and their spouses – a claim he maintains to this day. 

As The Ashley told you last week, Jill and Derick recently revealed that after “getting an attorney involved,” they were able to recover a portion “of what Jill should have been paid” for her participation on the TLC shows. 

Watch the full video below! 


Click here to read the highlights from Jill and Derick’s first Q&A video and click here for the highlights from Part 2! 

RELATED STORY: Jill & Derick Dillard Say They’ve Taken Legal Action to Recover Their Unpaid ‘Counting On’ Earnings 

(Photos: YouTube) 

2 Responses

  1. So TLC fires Derrick for what he said about Jazz but still allows a tv show to continue with two parents who didnt do sh*t when their son molested their daughters?? Sounds about right.

  2. What is with these two constantly trying to be in the ‘news’ for the past few months?? I don’t think very many people are laying awake nights seeking any of this ‘information’ they have been spewing. Who Cares?????Don’t you have several children who need looking after?

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