Deavan Clegg and Jihoon Lee of 90 Day Fiancé are at it again…
The latest social media spar between the former couple went down Monday after Jihoon attempted to (once again) shut down allegations that he wants nothing to do with his and Deavan’s son, Taeyang. Jihoon claimed on Instagram that he sends clothes and toys to his son, despite Deavan not telling him what size the infant wears, nor the address where they currently reside. Deavan fired back with a lengthy statement insisting Jihoon put her and her kids in danger.

“I regularly send the goods to my son through my friend in America,” Jihoon stated on his Instagram Story.
In a series of lengthy Instagram Stories of her own, Deavan issued a statement responding to Jihoon’s posts. In her statement, Deavan argued that Jihoon has only sent one package to Taeyang in six months and that he has blocked her from contacting him. She also claimed the package they did receive was not sent by Jihoon’s friend, but rather a “90 Day Fiance” “super fan” who has written statements on Jihoon’s behalf.
“The fan who has written [Jihoon’s] statements and given our address to we believe to be someone who can harm us,” she said. “Due to this, we have had to relocate and have made a police report in the past.”
According to Deavan, she has filed for divorce from Jihoon, but is still waiting for him to sign. As for her “evidence” that Jihoon abused her daughter Drascilla, Deavan said she isn’t sharing it with the public because “it will be taken to court and we don’t want to hurt our case.”
Deavan’s statement went on to claim Jihoon “can come to America whenever he pleases” to see Taeyang, whom Jihoon reportedly saw six months ago, not a year ago, as Jihoon has stated. She also accused Jihoon (once again) of wanting “nothing to do with Taeyang” as she has mentioned previously. Deavan claims to have these statements on film and said she plans to release the footage when she is able to.
Regarding her relationship with boyfriend Topher Park, Deavan says Jihoon knew about it “for a long time” and that she and Topher “have been together much longer than people assume,” but they had to keep their love quiet due to Deavan’s role on “90 Day Fiance.”
(Jihoon claimed in August to know about Deavan’s new relationship.)
Deavan also addressed rumors that Drascilla abused a dog during a live stream, which she claimed happened “over a year ago” when the child was 3.
“… I have addressed it in the past and did speak to her and explain why it’s bad,” she said. ” … Now, court proceedings are in [place] and I am dealing with it. I do not want to talk about it anymore after this.”

Deavan went on to blame her having to relocate multiple times on Jihoon’s “fake statements,” which she said caused people to show up to her house at night. She also said the “lies” Jihoon told to cover up the fact that he abused Drascilla have resulted in death threats towards the child and that she and the children have received threats from one of Jihoon’s fans, as well.
“That person has sent very scary disturbing messages to us explaining how they will kill us,” she said. “So if you could stop playing this online game that would be great because now I have relocated twice trying to protect the children. This isn’t funny anymore this is serious so please stop it. You’re putting your son in danger.”
Deavan maintains she is telling the truth about Jihoon abusing Drascilla and even claims Jihoon “has admitted it several times over phone calls and texts,” noting that the situation is “being handled.”
“Chris[topher] and I have to hear this poor girl ask why [Jihoon] would do that and try to understand why [Jihoon] hurt her and explain to her she’s safe now,” she continued. “Please, [it’s] not about this show anymore. We are people [too]. And we are scared.”
Jihoon has yet to respond back…
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
16 Responses
Didn’t Deavan in one live added that not only did Jihoon ripped her daughter’s hair when she got up in the middle of the night, he had kicked her and punched her in the middle of the parking lot when he picked her up from her school?
Deavan- the eternal “victim” (eyeroll). Drascilla is out of control. That’s a fact and we’ve all seen it. It’s no secret. I highly doubt Jihoon “abused” her. I saw the pictures and they don’t check out. They would be a lot more gory looking if he “ripped” her hair out. It looks like the normal thin hair spots that kids have. Drascilla will be even more of a nightmare than she already is- give it a couple years. Honestly, she could use boundaries and discipline
Maybe people should wait for the real evidence and what the judge says before deciding who is the abuser.
I think they are both not fit and need help to become better (co)parents.
Jihoon obviously has issues and she has been raised to be more dramatic than neccessary. I think her mom has an unhealthy amount of influence on her.
Take your 15 minutes and go, this kind of messy is for the Teen Moms.
Yeah something tells me Deavan is the type to cry “abuse” just bc Jihoon scolded dracilla or something to that extent. Also, I don’t put it past her to make it hard for Jihoon to see the baby or send him stuff. If she was really THAT concerned about him having her address, they could set up an account that both had access to that is used for baby’s needs & would of course have receipts for proof. Its really not that hard. Or he can send gift cards to Target or Buy Buy Baby.
You do know he pulled that child’s hair hard enough for him to leave a full portion of scalp without hair, right? There are pictures of that. You can dislike Deavan all you want but that doesn’t make him less of an abuser
Where are the photos?
Ok I went and looked at the photo. I don’t know, if hair was RIPPED from the scalp, there would be red swelling and most likely some blood. This looked like it was shaved. Deavan has some issues obviously, she craves attention and I wouldn’t put it past her to frame Jihoon. She put that guy through a ton of shit, he deserved just some of it for not being upfront about finances, but she’s a moron for moving across the world without really knowing him. Use a condom when you decide to have a tryst with a foreigner who is visiting the US for two weeks. I found the photo in an article on all about the tea. A google search led me to it.
I googled the photos. It’s very blurry. You can’t even tell who it is. It looks like it’s on the right side above her ear. Reddit has the 1 photo (that most commenters called Deavan a psycho, liar) and All About The Tea has their name across the pic to basically claim it. If some man pulled out my child’s hair, I would take several photos, put them all over social media and put his ass on blast everywhere! The authorities would be all over him in South Korea.
I think little Dracula could kick Jihoon’s butt. : ) No way did he abuse that child.
And if he did why did you NOT stop it then ?
Superfans showing up at your house and sending you random gifts? Oh please you just wish, nobody cares about you. You’re really not that important, just one of many reality tv trainwrecks.
No matter how hard she tries, Deavan can’t make Jihoon look like the bad guy here, especially when your kids are a reflection of you. I highly doubt Jihoon “abused” Driscilla. Driscilla is a nightmare, and Jihoon’s culture seems more strict/no nonsense, compared to how Deavan is raising her. It is not okay to have your child running around, jumping off an entire flight of stairs, throwing a tantrum in the middle of the airport and going limp so you can’t pick her up, smacking adults in the head, running off into the street, torturing dogs, ect…Driscilla needs some structure and discipline, or she needs to be medicated. She has major behavioral issues.
How did he abuse that child? Was it when he was holding her hands back from beating on him or the baby? TLC should ask Jihoon back and dump Deavan! Can you imagine how bad that little boy will be if Deavan and her parents raise him like they did Drascilla? She may be sorry one day when the boy knocks her on her ass!