Teen Mom OG‘s ratings may be in the toilet driveway Porta-Potty, but that hasn’t stopped MTV from renewing the show for yet another season.
The Ashley can confirm that the ‘OG’ girls are currently filming for Season 9B, which will likely air sometime this fall. The current five cast members— Amber Portwood, Cheyenne Floyd, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell and Mackenzie McKee have all signed on to appear in 9B (although The Ashley hears Maci was a hold out until some business was taken care of by the network.)
While the girls are returning, it seems the show’s faithful viewers are not.

Back in February, The Ashley reviewed the ratings for the first 9A episodes, and revealed that the ratings had slid to new lows— with the third episode of this season being the lowest-ranking episode of ‘Teen Mom OG’ ever, with only 541,000 viewers…
…up until that point, anyway…
According to ShowBuzz Daily, ‘Teen Mom OG’ ratings for the later episodes of Season 9 have fallen even more, with the April 6 episode barely getting over 500,000 viewers.
Season 9 got off to a somewhat decent start— with numbers in the mid-to-high-600,000s— but they’ve quickly fallen into 500,000s. This marks the first time the show’s ratings have ever fallen so low.

(To put things into perspective of how much the ratings have fallen, the pilot episode of ‘Teen Mom’— which aired in December 2009— premiered with 2.1 million viewers. By the end of the first season, ratings were at 3.6 million viewers. By the Season 2 finale— which aired in October 2010— the show had an astronomical 5.6 million viewers!)
The most-recent episodes of ‘Teen Mom OG’ have all had ratings in the mid-to-low 500s. The March 23 episode brought in only 532,000 viewers, while the next episode, which aired on March 30, had even less viewers, at 527,000. The April 6 episode (which is currently the lowest-ranked episode ever) had 501,000 viewers.

The most-recent episode of the show— which aired on April 13— had slightly elevated ratings (which is common for season finales). That episode brought in 567,000 viewers.
Part 1 of the Season 9A Reunion will air on Tuesday. (Typically, the Reunion episodes don’t bring in as many viewers as the regular season episodes do. However, this Reunion has some major drama going on between cast members, so that may help attract a few more eyes than normal.
While Teen Mom 2 has generally had higher ratings than ‘Teen Mom OG,’ its ratings have also slid to new lows. ‘Teen Mom 2’ was once a ratings powerhouse for MTV that consistently brought in 1 million-plus numbers each week. However, Season 10 (which aired in late 2020) had three of its last six episodes dip well under 600,000 viewers. (You can read more about that here.)
The next season of ‘Teen Mom 2’ will premiere Tuesday, May 4. (You can watch the snooze-of-a-trailer for the season here.)

(Photos: MTV)
55 Responses
And the Baltiera’s need to quit taking a pregnancy test the day after they screw.
And leave Carly alone!! She is NOT THEIRS! Quit confusing that poor child. Stick to your guns Teresa and Brandon. I bet they despise Tyler and the baby machine. Youre sickening.
But are those ratings including ALL platforms? Cable TV, streaming, etc.?
Can you PLEASE do a write-up about the reunion on?? Amber’s eyes were closed through the majority of segment. So nobody is going to call her out for being high AF?
If Bentlys other family members are not going to be on,(father and grandparents) there is no need to hear about Maci and Taylor. Taylor may be more of a dad, but it’s not about him and Bently. There’s no story of the problems for Bently and just Maci’s view is bias. No story line that is fair to both sides.
The shows have been on so long that the kids are almost teens and are turning on the Moms. The point was supposed to be what NOT to do. Then they show Maci’s house.
I think the reunion is the thing they’re banking on to get more viewers to come back, but with the Edwards gone next season and no more Rhine and Mack drama, next season is going to be way more boring than this one. Not that the Edwards made the show or anything, but they definitely brought drama to this reunion that could’ve bled into next season…but alas well probably be stuck with McKee’s fake marriage problems, Catelynn is gonna be sittin on the couch pregnant while Tyler keeps the kids entertained, Amber is going to be lying to herself about how she’s a damn good mom and Kristina is the bane of her existence, Cheyenne’s going to throw some more parties, and Maci is going to be talkin about PCOS. Rinse, Lather, Repeat, BORING at this point.
Hey friends, another shameless mom post. I’ve pretty much exhausted all my opportunities to post this and thought, heck why not try another form of social media. Help me help my son, he’s 12 and was diagnosed with cancer in february of this year. I just had a baby 5 months ago so it’s been emotionally difficult and financially difficult to get my son to his treatments which are 2 hours away in Los Angeles. Yes insurance covers most of the expenses but they don’t really help with lodging, yes there are resources but I don’t qualify for some reason or the wait is 3 months to book a room for ONE stay. We are in LA 2-3x a month for 3 days for chemotherapy. Anyway, if you could just share my sons go fund me it could really help to reach the goal, it would help for the next 3-4 months of treatment and my son is looking at 6 months. Donate or share. Either helps. Thank you kind and hilarious readers ?
Here is my IG if you’d like to make sure this is really happening. ?
I watched part 1 of the reunion and I just wonder, did anyone else notice, in my opinion, amber was high as a kite?
I’m about 25 minutes into the reunion…Dr. Drew needs to go and so does Amber. The nerve of Amber and even Dr Drew taking about how far she’s come as a parent. This idiot hasn’t has any of her kids for longer then like 2years and has no custody. Then she wants to talk shit about Kristina… I’m sorry but she’s a waste of space- her daughter doesn’t even want to see her. Also she needs open her eyes- they were closed for at least 10 mins of her segment- which was mostly all of it and it makes her look wasted.
Drew was coddling Amber WAY TOO MUCH. I feel like he does that so Amber wouldn’t walk off set. I’m sick of these adults treating her like she’s some child, and Leah is in the wrong for having abandonment issues, and she is wrong for not reaching out to her mother who is a grown adult. Same thing with Rhine. I see 100% saw Taylors point. Why does Benny have to be the one to go over and speak to his father, and take pictures with him? Benny’s the CHILD, it’s not his responsibility to act like the bigger person in a toxic situation that he didn’t create OR ask to be apart of. I hate when elders try and force kids to do something they don’t want to do, or try and force kids to speak to someone they don’t want to speak to. They may be children, but they are still people with feelings.
Why do they still owe taxes ? They have money coming in government will garnish wages if they don’t take care of it.
They don’t earn what is meets the definition of wages. They are contractors and don’t have an employee/employer relationship with mtv, Viacom, or the production company. Even if there were a court order for garnishment, it wouldn’t apply.
That’s also why they owe taxes. Because they aren’t employees, they are responsible for calculating their federal, state, and Medicare taxes on their own. When you are an employee, your employer is responsible for deducting those amounts from your gross pay and deferring that money to the govt on your behalf.
The first piece of advice for anyone who is self employed or defined as a contractor is “set aside 20-25% of your earnings in preparation for tax filing”
Was Kristina a teen mom? Can they just replace Amber the Machete with Kristina? Id watch it again! And force Catelyn to work…that would be fun to watch
MTV should just bite the bullet and air non-stop episodes of “Ridiculousness” 24 full hours a day! They’re close to that right now! Could the ratings be any worse???
Sadly, I have to admit that The Ashley’s recaps are something I really need in my life right now, so the Teen Mom S**t Show must continue!
Teen mom OG is like the girl in a gangbang and there are six dudes in front of me, just not doing it.
stay lit
What the hell kind of comment is that??!
Why would you even write something like that?
Agreed Carmen. He basically condones rape with stupid comments like that. It’s vile.
Put a fork in it, it’s D O N E !!
But I do love the re-caps.
The show need to be off the air. They are no longer teen moms. Which they are not good role model except Cheyenne. She does not have drama. Maci story line is to bash the father of her son which some women been going through before she was even born. Amber only wants to see her daughter if there is no man in her life. And the last teen mom owe taxes
Maci owed taxes, Kail owed taxes, Leah owed taxes, Cate owes taxes. And I agree with everything you said. Maci is god awful boring and is just gonna get more boring.
I swear MTV is holding out, hoping one of the rapidly aging kids becomes a teen parent themselves.
This is it right here. TM:TNG.
The odds are in MTVs favor that it will happen, statistically.
100%! Who will the first to become a teen mom/dad? I think it could a close race between Grace, Jace or Sophia.
It’ll be Leahs snmart mouth twin.
Since amber has no custody of her kids, she shouldnt be on the show, its because of her,( machete antics) i stopped watching.
I agree!! She’s on a show titled Teen Mom when she hasn’t been a teen for almost a decade now and she’s never been a mom!! Her existence on the show anymore is purely aggravating at this point!! I don’t know what MTV is holding onto by keeping her on the show.. if there was going to be some sort of redemption story, it would’ve happened already!!!
Dr Drew is lousy as a host. Weak. He should have said Amber you look drugged. Give Gary cudos for sitting there and not saying you are buzzed.Why are they afraid of Amber like they were of Farrah and Jenelle.Amber needs to be in rehab.
I agree I honestly wish they’d replace amber with kristina who is actually a mother to leah and her child. If one of them started a home reno business they aired during their segments it’d probably get more views. Everyone watches those nowadays it seems lol
Cancel all of them. Run a “Where are they now?”, special in 10 years. Done & dusted.
Before pulling the curtain on the show, I would live to see Maci get some curtain bangs. Just like the show, Maci’s hairstyle has been around too long.
I just want to see Kail, Maci , Cate and Leah. I don’t care to see anyone else. The Teen Mom 3 crew were canceled for a reason…and should stay that way. And the Young and Pregnant crew shouldn’t be brought in with the originals.
One factor is that the viewership is down across the board. In the years mentioned in the article, people watched when it aired. Now, if it’s a show we’re interested in we’ll just stream it on some platform, at some point. But very (very) few of us have any fucks left to give about network programming schedules.
The networks all know this, and are having varying levels of success in navigating it. But what is almost universally true is that ratings that would have been abysmal just a few years ago are now considered moderately successful, and will keep shows on the air that would previously have been canned.
Im currently doing the 7 day free trial with Paramount Plus. It has ALL the seasons of Teen Mom (OG) and Teen Mom 2.
Watching it, I can see why it did so much better then than now. The drama, the good times, the evolving of these girls thru time. Everything about the girls and the show then was authentic, or at least let us feel that way.
The audience for that show(US!), isnt stupid, and knows manufactured drama performed by questionable actresses. The girls seem to be calling the shots.
Just like the moms, we arent 16 yr old girls either, and watching these girls with their constant new cars, giant houses, and products to peddle is annoying and insulting.
Do Better MTV and Teen Moms, or you will actually have to work in a job that would have made you interesting enough to keep the show on in the first place!
They don’t have all of them quite yet. I’ve been watching TMOG and they have up until season 7. This was when Farrah got fired for a second time. So, Cheyenne and Bristol haven’t been introduced. TM2 is only to season 8. Even Y&P is a few seasons behind.
“watching these girls with their constant new cars, giant houses, and products to peddle is annoying and insulting.” This.
I feel like both Teen Mom’s should be cancelled. None of them are teenagers anymore though most still act like they are. The kids are all older and deserve to not have their private lives blasted on national TV. The ratings are slipping because everyone is tired of the BS with many cast members.
I agree Gemma.
It should be called “Teenmind” now ?!