As Josh Duggar sat in a Fayetteville, Arkansas, court room this week, fighting charges of possessing and receiving child sex abuse materials (CSA), his used car lot sits 15 miles away in Springdale, abandoned and in shambles.
Wholesale Motorcars— the lot Josh operated until it was raided by federal agents in November 2019— is the location the CSA images and photos were located. While Josh’s original office has mysteriously disappeared from the property, a secondary office remains.
The Ashley— who is in Arkansas covering Josh’s trial— can confirm that the inside of the office is torn apart, with boxes, trash and what appears to be building materials strewn all over. A “Wholesale Motorcars” sign remains on the office (which is basically just a big shed with a porch), and several plaques still hang on the walls.

Inside the office, the walls have been stripped to the wood. It appears that someone was doing some repair work inside at some point, but abandoned the task. An American flag stands next to a desk and chair set-up.

James Fottrell, a U.S. Department of Justice computer forensics expert who was not present during the November 2019 raid on the car lot, stated that a team of Homeland Security investigators seized several computers, Josh’s iPhone and some thumbdrives and SD cards from Josh’s office. When asked why more items weren’t seized James stated, “We don’t want to come in there and seize the paint off the walls.”
As The Ashley reported earlier this week, James testified during the first few days of Josh’s trial that all of the CSA that was found in regard to this case was found on Josh’s HP All-in-One desktop computer.
Trigger Warning: the following contains descriptions of child sex abuse materials.

James testified over two days that Josh’s computer, which was mainly used for business purposes had a Linux partition installed on it just days before the CSA was downloaded. He stated that this partition basically “split the computer’s hard drive in two” so that one side was being used for general purposes, while the other portion (which was small in comparison to the general purposes side), was almost exclusively used to download disturbing videos and photos of children as young as three months old being sexually abused.
James also testified that forensic evidence proves that Josh was at the car lot every time CSA material was downloaded. Josh’s iPhone 11 was also placed at the car lot at the exact time and dates that the CSA material was being downloaded, viewed and shared on the desktop computer in the office.
James later confirmed on Friday that Josh was sending texts and videos to his wife, Anna, and some of his sisters (including Jessa Seewald and Jill Dillard) at the exact moment (or right before or after) the disturbing photos and videos were being downloaded or viewed.
Texts shown to the courtroom show Josh asking his sisters to pray for a man who he had seen involved in a motorcycle accident near Wholesale Motorcars— just hours before he downloaded the video of a three-month-old baby being sexually tortured, as well as a zip file containing disturbing images of an eight-year-old girl.
James Fottrell also testified that Josh used his iPhone to download adult p0rnography, which was viewed while he was at the car lot just hours before agents raided the place on November 8, 2019.
(As The Ashley previously reported, the “accountability” software, Covenant Eyes, had been installed on Josh’s work computer to alert Anna if Josh was viewing “questionable content,” but the software could only detect what was being done on the “general purposes” side and not the side with the Linux partition.)

Josh’s trial continues on Monday and likely to last until Wednesday, according to Judge Brooks, at which time the jury will deliberate.
Click here and here to read The Ashley’s coverage from the first few days of court.
All photos property of The Ashley
20 Responses
Lock him up and throw away the key. Geez…
The way they smirk coming out of the court house!!! He is a very VERY sick POS
CSA???? Child torture it’s fkn sick, he’s fkn sick and his parents support him? I wonder if JB is of the same depraved mindset as his filthy bastard of a son, who ever votes for JB is just as fkn sick, my heart is breaking that these poor babies were being hurt badly for sick cnuts like him, I pray with all my heart these poor babies are now safe from anymore harm, I’m sat here with tears streaming down my face and I feel sick to my stomach.
Put this bastard in general pop and ban Jb from politics.
He’d prob lower the age of consent knowing him, cps need to take all of scum and anas kids away, and remove all minors from JB and michelles home.
He needs to go to prison and be put in gen pop and not in protective custody. Inmates don’t take kindly to someone who is a pedophile and watches babies and children raped, tortured and abused. People like him don’t deserve to breathe one more breath.
Castrate the POS.
Castration wouldn’t be enough.
Yeah with a rusty scalpel and no pain relief.
Wow. Yuck. A 3mth old baby. Just why??????
So putrid.
Josh you are foul. I can only imagine the filth going through his mind each time a baby sister was born. Or a daughter. And to casually message his family and wife while downloading, shows he has absolute no feelings of guilt. It was just another normal action for this grub.
What I have to say about what should be done to him won’t get approved by moderators but I will say it should be worse than what he viewed. I hate this man with the passion of a thousand Suns and he will burn in hell for all eternity and it still won’t be sufficient punishment to make up for what he’s done.
Please put his kids in foster care, or have them in the care of amy, Jill, Jessa or joy. I was extremely angry when I found out he recently just had a baby girl, if he abused his sisters his daughters don’t stand a chance.
Ummm…. what makes you think Amy, Jill, Jessa or Joy would want to raise his SEVEN children? Especially since he molested three out of the four of them. What a ridiculous comment. If you were sexually abused would you want to raise your abuser’s children?
The children are also their nieces and nephews, not just their abuser’s children. I can’t 100% say what I would do for sure in that situation, since I’ve never been put in a position to care for children like that. But I would definitely want my nieces and nephews to be safe and with someone I trusted. Which the DUggars have proven that very few of them can be trusted.
Ummm…. Jena, what makes you think Amy, Jill, Jessa or Joy would want to raise his SEVEN children? Especially since he molested three out of the four of them. What a ridiculous comment. If you were sexually abused would you want to raise your abuser’s children?
I’ve been an avid reader of the site for years never commented. But this is just repulsive. What a deranged man. He doesn’t even deserve a fair trial. His parents and wife should be charged for supporting this creep. Most persons who hide behind religion have something they are hiding. No children should be near him or his father.
Anna should be charged too for being complicit in this. Her rights should be taken away as a mother if she’s standing by this POS. She needs her head checked!
Oh shucks. He lost his business. Dern.
Throw that pos away