Former ‘Teen Mom: OG’ Star Mackenzie McKee & Husband Josh Have Split (Again): “We Are Two People Who Didn’t Work Out” (Updated!)

“I gotta keep ’em talkin’ about me, somehow!”

UPDATE! In an interview with Celebuzz, Mackenzie confirmed on Tuesday that her marriage to Josh is over.

“I’m coming from a very deep, raw and vulnerable part of my heart…life is crazy. Our entire life was played out in the spotlight,” Mackenzie told the site. “I’m stepping into an entire new life and new me. The things I use to cry over, are now a walk in the park.

“I’m so thankful for the past 12 years with Josh and what they taught me. Josh and I are both still young with an entire life ahead of us. And I wish nothing but peace and happiness for him and his future. Everyone has their own story, and this is mine.”

Mackenzie noted that she won’t be doing what she used to do when she and Josh fought— run to social media and bash him.

What Mackenzie would have normally said to Josh on social media in this situation…

“The old me would have released a story about how awful Josh is, what he did and why this marriage is ending,” Mackenzie said. “The new me understands that we are both walking away from this with deep scars and our kids love us both despite the pain we brought one another. We are human, we are all human on this earth just trying to make it.”

She refused to reveal what caused the split.

“To give details of why we ended simply isn’t fair if he isn’t along side me telling his side,” Mackenzie said. “Was I a perfect wife? No. But I’m also not pretending that Josh was a good husband. Us women do not leave until we are ready. Until we can wake up, notice the coffee don’t smell right, and something is off. That was my marriage. But my marriage is all I’ve ever known since I was a young teenager.

“When that switch happened when I knew I was going to leave, my entire world changed. I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t sad about anything, I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t depressed. I gained my power back as a female who finally knows her self-worth. And I was finally so exhausted that I was done, and anything that has hurt me these past 5 years was gone. I no longer care.”

Mackenzie stated that she knows she made the right decision.

“This Josh-less life is great! Less drama and less mumbles to decipher! This is livin’, y’all!”

“Do I regret this decision? No. Not at all,” she said. “It’s hard leaving and becoming a single mom. But it’s harder staying and living the only days God gave me being told by someone I loved I was nothing in this life.”

She stated that she did not want to talk about the split publicly (even though she was hinting at being single for over a week on social media). 

“Do I want to even talk about this down time of my life?” she told us. “No. But people have been following us for over a decade now and before other tabloids get it twisted. I wanted to simply share our update and ask that people just understand we are two people who didn’t work out and human just like the rest of the world. No need to investigate why.

“I love Joshua as my kids father and will respect him as that from here on.”

Josh has yet to respond to Mack’s statement.

Original story published July 25:

Mackenzie McKee has been dropping not-so-subtle hints on social media recently that have many believing the former Teen Mom OG star has once again parted ways from husband Josh McKee

The mom of three is no stranger to attention-grabbing posts, and a series of photos posted to her Twitter last week seemed to accomplish the goal, while giving some the impression she was taking on the singles scene.

“27 and living life for the very first time,” she wrote, along with photos of herself and friends dancing at a nightclub. 

Days later, Mackenzie kept the breakup rumors swirling when she took to Instagram telling followers she was “healed and set free” and ready to “rebuild her life day by day.” 

“This girl right here….. she freaking did it,” Mackenzie wrote. “Everything that tried to take her down, she made it through. And that switch happened, where she isn’t sad, angry, depressed. She is healed and set free, she took her power back. Thank you God for all I have been through, it brought me to the exact places I need to be today. 

“I’m like a wild new child that gets to rebuild her life day by day and piece by piece,” she continued. “And like mama said, ‘fix your crown and change the world my child’ ….stay tuned.” 

Mackenzie added to the speculation on Saturday when she tweeted about how “wack” the dating world is. 

“The dating world is wack guys… these men out here playin’, she wrote. “I’ve been out of this game for wayyy too long.” 

When a fan on Twitter asked Mack if she was single again, Mackenzie refused to directly answer the question. Instead, she wrote, “I am happy and exactly where and how I want to be.”

On TikTok, Mackenzie posted a video stating, “I finally walked away.” In the comment section she wrote, “Y’all use your imagination…I’ll spill if this hits a few mill.”

All of us after dealing with the McKees’ cryptic posts for all these years…

Josh has also been living his best solo life on social media lately. He appears to have a sudden renewed interest in working out and going to the gym. In several of the photos he recently posted, Josh made it clear that he was not wearing a wedding ring. 

“I gotta get all spiffed up for them rodeo gals!”

If Mackenzie and Josh are taking a break from their marriage, it certainly isn’t the first time. In August 2019, Mackenzie’s rodehoeing rodeoing hubby was accused of cheating with two different women, prompting Mackenzie and Josh to take some time off from their marriage. The following month, the couple remained separated, despite living in the same house, though they eventually reunited. 

The following summer, Mackenzie publicly accused Josh of having another affair–- this time with her cousin–- though she quickly seemed to shut down the rumors that anything physical happened between the two, insisting it was an “emotional affair.” 

Back in August 2021, Mackenzie went to bat for her often-tumultuous union to Josh after receiving criticism for a post celebrating the couple’s eighth wedding anniversary. Mackenzie disabled the comments on the (now-deleted) post before taking to her Instagram Story to provide some insight on her marriage, including the infidelities that have occurred, which she claimed had actually improved her relationship. 

A is for Awesome and Adultery.

“I’m glad I cheated on him and I’m glad he did what he did to me,” she wrote. “We are no longer stuck in the same place we were. It helped us grow and move forward. I’m happy your marriage is perfect. But mine isn’t and this is our story. And please stop saying I fought to keep him. Y’all I will NEVER fight for a man.” 

Mackenzie went on to accuse MTV of falsely portraying her marriage, assuring fans she isn’t “a weak bitch,” touting her decision to relocate her family–- sans Josh-– from Oklahoma to Florida, arguing that she walked away instead of fighting for her marriage. As viewers of the show may recall, Josh eventually joined Mackenzie and the kids in the Sunshine State. 

…and what a joyous reunion it was.

RELATED STORY: Barbara Evans & Debra Danielsen Pictured With ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Girls: Here’s What’s Going On (Exclusive) 

(Photos: MTV; Twitter; Instagram) 

15 Responses

  1. Anything for attention…same sh*t, different day. When they actually file for divorce and its been more than 2 years, I’ll believe it then.

  2. I give it until Thanksgiving, then they’ll be back together and “Stronger than ever” she’s just trying to have a hot mom Summer and he can now cheat guilt free. Win win for them both!

  3. Girl, give it a rest already. We all know they’ll be back together in a month. They always “break up” when they need a story to sell for some cash.

  4. They will be back together before you know it. They will have another bandaid crotch goblin to try to save their marriage. Any guesses on what rediculous name they will give the next kid? My money is on Reno-Nevada Covid McKee

  5. She’s always conveniently single when she is trying to stay on the show or get back on it. Can’t stand her or Josh.

  6. I can’t believe these people are on television. Glad to hear that this extremely immature mother is now a ‘former star’. I hope she’s potty trained her little garage crapper.

  7. so basically she’s single but doesn’t wanna say it because even she knows her and josh are gonna get back together creating more trauma for their children, got it ??

  8. I could not imagine trying to find a man nowadays. I mean these girls have their issues. Her and josh were not good together if they kept seperating. But still she is pretty spot on about how man are now. She should just take care of her kids.

      1. I agree sadly- she needs support. Florida is fun and all but her Dad must be lonely after losing his wide. He would appreciate seeing them more.

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