Teen Mom News Pile: Devoin Austin Wants More MTV Money, Jenelle Evans Wants to Break Into Fashion & More

“Oooh, I bet we can put a silk-screen machine out by the goat pen. We’ll make a fortune!”

From demanding a bigger salary to dipping their toe into the world of fashion, the stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately!

In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so…

Devoin Austin again complains about the size of his MTV paychecks, and his baby mama Briana DeJesus responds

“It’s gonna cost you a pretty penny to keep this mug on your show, MTV!”

Devoin is going to battle again, but this time it’s not with his baby mama Briana. Instead, Devoin appears to be fighting with MTV over his ‘Teen Mom 2’ paycheck!

A few weeks after Devoin called MTV out on Instagram for refusing to “reasonably compensate” him for his time on the show. (He also stated that he would gladly tell other guys not to appear on the show because it’s not worth it.)

Now, Devoin states that he wants a hike in his salary or he’s leaving the show.

“I’ll work at McDonald’s before I work for MTV at this price again,” Devoin tweeted this week. “That’s on my Jesus. Price WENT UP…It’s ALLL about the Benjamin’s. This show DONT show my life on that TV screen to help ME. It’s for ratings which = money. Well guess what. Put me the MF budget! Or forget about it!”

“It’s all good,” he added. “They’ll figure another way. WONT include this guy tho.”

Devoin then hit Instagram, where he posted a long message to his fans people who support him.

After stating that he’s “probably the only [‘Teen Mom’] cast member you’ll catch at their 9 to 5 [job],” Devoin talked about how humble he has remained, despite his MTV fame.

“[I’m] never big headed, never thought I was above anyone…”

He stated that, even if MTV doesn’t meet his asking price and he leaves the show, he will still be an active dad to Nova, the daughter he shares with Briana.

“Just know if you never see me on that show again what happened and I WILL continue to be in Nova’s life,” he wrote. “Know your worth folks.” 

After Devoin’s rant, Bri took a turn at voicing her thoughts on The ‘Gram, basically telling someone (who is almost certainly Devoin) to quit sobbing on social media.

“This isn’t even about ‘Teen Mom’ anymore,” she wrote. “If anyone really knows me and understands me…I don’t give a f**k about MTV. This could all be gone tomorrow and not one tear would be shed.”

“I will tell you one thing, Devoin. If you wreck this gravy train for the family, there won’t be a vase left in Orlando that hasn’t been thrown at your head!” 

She tells Devoin that it’s his job to negotiate his ‘Teen Mom 2’ salary, and that boo-hooing on Instagram and Twitter isn’t the best way to do so.

“I don’t get paid like the other girls do. Neither does Jade [Cline] but guess what— we aren’t crying about it on the Internet. We continue to work regular jobs, save up and prosper,” Bri wrote, later adding, “Stop blaming everyone around u and take some accountability.” 

Finally, she told him that he should be thankful for what the show brings for his daughter.

“Ur kids are blessed to have everything plus more so be thankful,” she told him. 

Jenelle Evans wants to bring swamp fashions to the masses.

For my next project, I shall create activewear!”

Jenelle is truly the style icon of our generation. (After all, who else could pull off that classic mix of “courthouse casual” and “swamp socialite?”) Because of this, the former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star is apparently contemplating creating her own clothing line. (At this point, is someone even associated with ‘Teen Mom’ if they don’t have their own clothing “line?”)

Jenelle took to social media this week to ask her followers what attire offerings they would prefer: a line of activewear or a line of loungewear.

“You KNOW you’ve got my vote for loungewear!”

“Would you guys like loungewear better or activewear better?” Jenelle asked on Instagram Live this week. “If I were to maybe come out with something? What would you guys like better? I need your honest opinion.”

Jenelle said that her Instagram followers have voted for loungewear. 

“What colors would you guys like? If I came out with some clothes?” she asked. 

Back in 2017, Jenelle released an assortment of clothing items with some of her most-unique sayings, such as a tank top that said “dramastic” and a sweatshirt that featured her classic “I’m not hungover, I’m just tired, hungry and feel like throwing up” quote from the early ‘Teen Mom 2’ years. And, of course, Jenelle’s JE Cosmetics makeup line continues to limp along, with Jenelle recently peddling some “new” lip glosses on her Instagram account. 

“JE Fashions: coming to a baitshop near you!” 

There’s no word on when Jenelle’s fashion line will be available for purchase…or if the “activewear” outfit pictured below will be part of her line.

“These sweats are perfect for jogging after your ex-boyfriend’s car!”

Kail Lowry talks about her sons walking in on her having sex. 

Please tell us this isn’t how she greeted them…

Kail Lowry has four children, three baby daddies, two podcasts, her own haircare line and apparently zero locks on her bedroom door.

On this week’s episode of her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star and her cohost Vee Torres –- the wife of Kail’s ex/first baby daddy, Jo Rivera –- had a discussion about parents and intimacy, during which, Kail said she’s “definitely been walked in on” while getting freaky in the bedroom.

“I won’t tell the story because I don’t want to put my kids on blast,” Kail said. “I think I’m more scarred [than them] though. Like, I’m more scarred for life than they are because I’m like, f**k, if they didn’t have questions before, I don’t know if they do. So, do I need to address them?”

“Gather ’round kids, it’s story time… “

When Vee went on to ask Kail how she would feel if her and Jo’s 10-year-old son Isaac walked in on the married couple getting down and dirty, Kail said she “wouldn’t be mad” because it’s “part of f**king life.”

“Literally and figuratively.”

“It’s f**king life and that’s the thing,” she said. “I worry sometimes about talking about things like this on the podcast because I feel like I’m scared someone’s going to call CPS, you know? But it’s really part of f**king life.

What?! The kids seem perfectly fine!

“People have kids and they still want to have sex,” she continued. “We’re all human, right? Of course I wouldn’t be mad if that happened. First, I would laugh and then I would be like, ‘Wow, I hope he’s not traumatized.’”

Farrah Abraham is off her rocker the hook for 2018 unpaid lawyer fees.

Just weeks after completing the terms of her two-year probation, Farrah Abraham’s surgically-enhanced behind has received some more good news.

“Good karma, amirite?!”

According to The Sun, a lawsuit filed in November 2018 by Ohio lawyer Avonte Campinha-Bacote against the former ‘Teen Mom OG’ star for failing to pay a $2,577.50 bill has been dismissed.

Services for Farrah’s unpaid bill included service processor fees for a temporary restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Simon Saran, email correspondence “with Network re: Farrah return for finale” for a “dating project,” as well as conference calls and discussions for a celebrity boxing match (that Farrah ultimately backed out of).

Because heaven forbid she partake in something that could potentially deform her face. Oh, wait…

The court reportedly dismissed the case against the top female celebrity in our nation back in March 2020 because Farrah was unable to be served with the lawsuit –something at which she seems to excel.

To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; YouTube)

25 Responses

  1. LMAO at Janelle doing anything BUT loungewear. Activewear. Girl the only activity you do involves reproducing too damn much.

  2. So, Devoin, you say you are humble, you don’t feel you are better than anyone else, and yet…..You bashed the people who work at McDonalds. “I’ll work at McDonald’s before I work for MTV at this price again”. Is McDonald’s the bottom of the barrel, job-wise, Devoin?

    Jenelle, I don’t think anyone has ever looked in the mirror and said “Damn, if only I could dress more like Jenelle”. Maybe if I dressed like Jenelle I could find a great husband/baby daddy who is an unemployed, domestic violence perpetrating, animal killings red-next with whom to marry and procreate. Maybe then all my dreams will come true.

  3. OF course Kail doesn’t care that her sons saw her having sex. I’m also sure it wasn’t just ONE time. I don’t know about y’all but anytime I have had sex when my kids are in the house, even when my ex husband and I were together, we’d lock the door to prevent little eyes from seeing anything. YEs, it is part of life but you can take precautions to prevent them seeing anything like that. I’m no prude, so I definitely want the door locked LOL. I walked in on my dad and his girlfriend when I was about 11 and it honestly shook me up.

    1. Right?! I’m like…lock the door?! And she says it’s a part of life? Sure but like, I don’t think your children necessarily want to see you get down and dirty? Would she let the doors unlocked even if she had roommates?! Think about it. It’s virtually the same. And it must be so awkward walking in on anyone, let alone your own parents.

    1. Walked in on my mom and new husband at 11-12 years old, frequently heard my dad and his new wife going at it in the middle of the night. I would start stressing out if I couldn’t fall asleep quickly, fearing I’d hear them again. Watching my mom french kiss her new bf in the train was worse than all of that though. Can still see the tongues wrestling, ugghhh

  4. My gosh Kailyn its the SAME THING if you say they walked in and don’t give specific details you just told the world! Their friends can still give them shit at school. STFU about your sex life no one cares. Not even Chris.

  5. Devoin should be glad hes getting paid to spend time with his daughter. In a way MTV is paying his child support. He acts like hes irreplaceable. And what the hell is up with farrahs face? She is looking so scary and her face looks like its made of stone.

  6. So Jenelle bashed Chelsea for wanting to be like her, but she’s trying to create a clothing line, which is what Chelsea already does? Successfully too. And Brianna criticizes Devion for going to social media to voice frustrations when she does the same thing when things don’t go her way. She threatens to leave every year basically. Makes total sense lol

    1. It’s like you wonder how Briana could be friends with and stick up for someone like Jenelle, considering Briana always wants to drop the race card, and Jenelle and David have been very vocal about how they feel about minorities…but then you think about it and Briana and Jenelle go tit for tat with who’s the bigger hypocrite, moron, idiot, and who is more pathetic…and then it’s really no wonder why they’re friends. You attract what you are.

  7. r/ihavesex

    This story probably never happened. She just wants Chris to think shes out there screwing around with all these young hot guys lol

    Or she wants us to think she’s still screwing Chris.

    Either way, I call bullshit.

  8. What the hell is Briana even talking about? She’s not crying on the internet about how shes not getting paid enough?? Wasn’t she just bitching and telling MTV to suck her dick, because they don’t pay her enough to have her “boyfriend” (who is in and out of that house, bringing in God knows what) get tested for COVID?? When is this idiot going to just shut the hell up?? And why is she trying to name drop Jade? Jade has never publicly said a thing about not getting paid enough, why drag her this??

    Ya know what? Maybe if Bri keep acting this unhinged, she’ll do us all a favor and say something stupid enough to get her kicked off the show. I am so sick of her.

  9. Advertisement for Kail again. Who cares it’s a shit show. Be glad when it’s off. Of coarse Kail doesn’t care if her kids walk in on her. They already know she’s a THOT!! Hell she sleeps with all her friends. Then they are vanished never to be seen again.

  10. If Devoin quits the show then Brianna wont have a storyline. She barely has one now. Brianna begged and kissed up to the Hulk and the Teen Mom cast until she finally got a spot. Now she wants to act like she doesn’t care about the role. This girl is bipolar, whorish an dumb.

    1. Briana is seriously too stupid to realize that at this point she needs Devoin more than he needs her. We all know as big as she claims her dick is, her balls are the size of m&m mini’s when it comes to getting tough with Luis…he doesn’t put up with her bullshit the way Devoin does, and unless she wants another baby or STD, because Luis has no other storyline to offer her, she needs to put her effed up feelings towards Devoin to the side, and start being nicer to him.

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