‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: All the ‘Teen Mom’-Related News You’ve Missed Lately

When you realize how far behind you are on your ‘Teen Mom’ news…

The stars (and former stars) of the Teen Mom franchise never cease to keep us on our toes. Over the past week or so, the ‘Teen Mom’ guys and gals stayed busy, from making up with their baby daddies to making babies! 

In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2, Teen Mom Young & Pregnant and 16 & Pregnant news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last few days…

Jenelle Evans threw herself a pity party, claiming she’s depressed because “everybody hates” her

“When I said to leave me alone I didn’t mean it, guys! Guys…?”

Poor Jenelle (and The Ashley means that both figuratively and probably literally at this point!) The former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star took to Instagram over the weekend to announce that she’s depressed, partly due to the fact that she’s realizing she doesn’t have a lot of fans left.

During a recent Q&A session on Instagram Stories, The Lady ‘o’ The Land told her followers that she may not even continue with her ill-fated makeup brand, JE Cosmetics, after two failed attempts to bring Jenelle Evans-inspired eyebrows and makeup to the masses.

When someone asked Jenelle if she plans to expand into non-makeup products, Jenelle didn’t sound to encouraged.

“I hope so but IDK cuz everyone hates me,” Jenelle wrote, along with a broken heart emoji.

When someone asked her if she’s happier in her life now (assuming they meant now that she’s not on ‘Teen Mom 2’ and is living on The Land with her treasured husband, David Eason), Jenelle replied, “[I’m] very [happy], but still get a lot of hate and wish it would stop. I’m trying to be myself and lay low from now on. Just getting more depressed…”

“Everyone in the house notices how quiet I am,” Jenelle posted later. “Then everyone just gives me lots of hugs and asks me if I’m OK. David helps out a lot with the kids, cooks for me, says sweet things.”

“Husband of the Year!”

When one person commented that they feel bad for Jenelle, she said she was surprised that someone still cared.

“I appreciate you all sympathizing with me and I forget people really do care about what’s going on in my life and they really care about my emotions,” she wrote. 

Since getting the boot from ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Jenelle had been putting her focus into her makeup line, promoting her “Universal Eyebrow Kit,” which turned out to be a flop. In addition to getting bad reviews online, JE Cosmetics was recently dropped by its manufacturer (although Jenelle claims she left them, naturally). Radar Online broke the news today that Jenelle’s company is actually operating illegally, as it has not been registered in North Carolina.

Ashley Jones laughs off drug-related weight loss rumors; insists she wasn’t shading Jade Cline with rent-related tweets

“Coke is a joke!”

While there have been plenty of ‘Teen Mom’ stars on drugs over the years, ‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ star Ashley made it clear that she is not one of them.

In a series of Twitter posts, Ashley acknowledged that she has lost a ton of weight, but laughed off the nay-sayers’ claims that she used drugs to help her shed the pounds.

“I lost about 70 pounds. I read it was coke,” Ashley tweeted, along with the laughing emoji. “First of all, where did I get 70 pounds worth of coke money and 2, who was watching my daughter and going to school for me in between times when I was coked out lol.”

“If I was using enough cocaine to lose 70 pounds then I would be sick!” Ashley added. “Mentally and physically and it would be blatantly obvious.”

(This is probably true. As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, the shows’ stars who have been on drugs in the past have had a really hard time hiding it.)

“I reckon they might be talkin’ ’bout me…”

Anyway, Ashley then revealed how she did lose the weight: good ol’ diet and exercise.

“Drug abuse is not funny and I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying any drug to lose weight, including pills,” she wrote. “Changing your food choices and working out is the safest most guaranteed way to lose weight in my opinion.”

This is not the only topic Ashley has been outspoken about on Twitter lately. On Thursday, she posted a tweet that seemed to be shaming her former ‘Young and Pregnant’ co-stars Jade Cline and Sean Austin. 

“Man if my rent was 900 dollars I’d be stacking to bad all you gone get in the bay is a bedroom in someone’s house where you can’t even use the living room,” Ashley tweeted.

(The tweet was posted on the same day as a story about Jade and Sean being sued for unpaid rent on their Indianapolis house was posted. Their rent was $900 a month, by the way.)

When other Twitter users called Ashley out for being “salty” and shading Jade, Ashley denied it.

“First of all what the f**k are you talking about,” Ashley responded on Saturday. “We all know by now if I wanted to say a name I would. I’m simply referring to the fact that I have to pay to be alive and no one asked me if I could afford it before bringing me into the universe. Lighten up hoe…”

“Sounds like shade to me, girl! Just sayin’!”

Kail Lowry & Jo Rivera make up.

After declaring last month that she hates her baby daddy Jo’s guts, ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kail has made up with her ex. The parents of Isaac joined together, along with Jo’s wife Vee Torres and their assortment of children to celebrate the birthday of Jo’s daughter Vivi. 

“Back to normal,” Kail wrote in the caption of a photo of her, Jo, Vee and all the kids. 

I guess MTV can cancel their order for a Jello wrestling pit for the Jo/Kail brawl… Sigh.

“Our crazy fam bam,” she wrote on another pic. “Happy birthday Vivi.”

As The Ashley previously told you, Jo and Kail had basically been at each other’s throats the entire summer, with things getting particularly heated over Kail taking Isaac to Hawaii in July, causing him to miss a scheduled 4th of July holiday with Jo. 

During an August episode of her Coffee Convos podcast, Kail made it clear that her issues were with Jo, and not Vee.

“I hate Jo’s guts right now but I’m not here to put Vee in the middle,” Kail said. “But while Jo and I are having issues, she’s not going to come out on the podcast. I run off at the mouth all the time. While I am taking full accountability for this, I do feel like I understand where she was coming from and not wanting to be a part of it because of [the issues with Jo].”

Although Jo and Kail have made up, Jo is still refusing to film for ‘Teen Mom 2,’ The Ashley’s production sources tell her. 

Now that she and Jo are getting along, that means that Kail is officially on good terms (for Kail, anyway) with all three of her baby daddies (which also include Javi Marroquin and Chris Lopez). Like Jo, Javi and Chris are not filming for ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“16 and Pregnant” girl Summer “Babies is Beautiful” Rewis is Pregnant Again

“Well they IS beautiful!”

Summer— who was featured on Season 5 of “16 and Pregnant”— announced on Monday that she’s expecting her third child. Summer is mom to son Peyton, who was born on Summer’s episode in 2014. She married Peyton’s dad, DJ Rewis, and they went on to have a second son, Connor Mace, before divorcing. She is now in a relationship with a guy named Tyler Rhodes.

Summer is also known for being associated with what became one of The Ashley’s all-time favorite “16 and Pregnant” lines: “Babies is beautiful.” (It was not actually Summer who uttered this little piece of heaven, though; it was her sister, Pookie, who, during Summer’s portion of a Catch-Up Episode, told Summer that she didn’t care if she got pregnant as a teen because— say it with me!— “Babies is beautiful!” 

Anyway, Summer’s Instagram post stated that she is due in May 2020.


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The butterflies you used to give me turned into little feet ? Was a little nervous to share our big news, but baby Rhodes coming May 2020 ?

A post shared by Summer (@summerr15) on

“The butterflies you used to give me turned into little feet,” she wrote. “Was a little nervous to share our big news, but baby Rhodes coming May 2020.”

Summer’s “16 and Pregnant” co-star Maddy Godsey (aka “the one with the bad bangs“) congratulated her. 

“Didn’t even known you had a boyfriend ! Love youu,” Maddy wrote.

For those of you counting at home, Summer is the first girl from Season 5 to have a third child. Most of the moms from that season have gone on to have another child, though.

To catch up on more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

22 Responses

  1. If Jenelle wants to be left alone and stop getting hate she should get off of ALL social media for awhile. Just disappear and work on getting a real job. She isn’t going to be able to come back from David killing the dog anyway. If she left David, then maybe, but not as long as she stays with him. It’s time to grow up Jenelle, figure out how you and David are going to support your kids without Teen Mom money, and start working at that.

    1. I will never get over killing Nugget! She would really be depressed if she hadn’t blocked all of us who really hate her! I can still comment on other places, and I do. I hope and pray she is miserable! That makes me feel better to read that she’s upset! To Bad! So Sad!

  2. “Man if my rent was 900 dollars I’d be stacking to bad all you gone get in the bay is a bedroom in someone’s house where you can’t even use the living room,” Ashley tweeted.

    I see Farrah isn’t the only word salad chef from MTV.. ?

    Kail is such a POS. It was really inspiring to see her rally for Isaac’s right to vacay. No way in hell was he going to lose this “once in a lifetime opportunity” to spend a month in Hawaii, she’d go to jail before she let something that atrocious occur! I mean, what if a volcano erupts suddenly and **POOF**- no more Hawaii?! ? Fuckin’ Jo. No way. Not on Kail’s watch.

    Psst- hey Kail, bet you spent more than you were hustlin’ the masses for in order to pay for Penny’s surgery. After all, it wasn’t like you weren’t the one who owned her until your friend, “Christina” bonded with her so much, you just couldn’t keep them apart, right? ?

    Jenelle, you deserve every bit of hate you get. *insert Nelson_HAHA.gif here.*

    1. If Kail had shortened her Hawaii vacation to even 2 weeks (or gone somewhere cheaper), she would have easily been able to afford Penny’s surgery and not have had issues with Jo. I must be a genius…. *eye roll*

    2. I found it funny that Kail and Leah kept saying “it’s about what Isaac wants”. Isaac is a child, what he WANTS isn’t as important as what he NEEDS. And what he needs is a stable life where both parents can get along and make compromises based on what is best for their son.

  3. Jenelle has an oddly shaped head?!! I never noticed until seeing that photo of her ridiculous 2 corn row do! Seriously! Who thought to do that?!! It looks awful and accentuated that weird shaped skull!
    And no. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She brought this upon herself. Her husband better get to updating his resume so they can stay afloat!

    1. This is just my thought, but maybe Barb dropped her on her head a few times when she was a baby. And also, that could account for how stupid she is now. ?????

  4. Did Summer buy some boobs? I stalked her IG and she went from literally nothing to a nice rack!
    Better than McKee’s efforts anyway.

    1. In my professional opinion, these are natural cans. I think she has kept her sweater meat on the down low in the past. Always a pleasant surprise to the male suitor when you unleash said village feeders for the first time and out comes more then expected. Again, I am a professional and I take my job seriously.

      1. Must be all the pregnancies. Because she was flat stack after Peyton was born.
        Thanks for the profesh opinion though Nibs. Nice chatting with ya!

  5. Mackenzie Mckee is still trying to make people believe her divorce is happening. She claims she lost 15lbs even though she looks exactly the same and that she filed for divorce even though the online database for Oklahoma courts (ODCR) has no record of either of them filing. This girl lies as much as Farrah.

    1. I don’t believe her dumb divorce story either. Her husband has already said that Mackenzie makes things up for publicity. He himself said that a couple years ago she said they broke up and she kicked him out and he was literally in their bed when she was saying this stuff. I think she wants a definite permanent role on Teen Mom and it hasn’t been offered yet so she is doing whatever she can so Teen Mom will want her full time so she is making up the divorce story.

  6. Also Kailyn opened a go fund me account. She opened for her dog Penny. Penny was given away to Chris’s mom. Remind you that Kail just bought a $800,000 home. Also Kail has a month long vacation in Hawaii. What a B. If I could afford that house and a month long vacation. I for damn sure would save a dogs life. What’s piece of shit. If your still stuck on Kail now there’s something really wrong with you.

    1. I agree that no one should care about Jenelle. She’s been fired, good riddance!!! I don’t know why she has continued to receive publicity!!!

      But as far as Summer expecting another child, it’s disturbing. She should have used protection (she stressed it with her sister Pookie). That young lady needed to practice what she preached. And I wouldn’t dare bring a baby into that mess (I wonder if her mom is still an addict?).

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