It’s Over! TLC Cancels ‘Counting On’ Due to Josh Duggar’s Legal Issues; Jinger & Jeremy Vuolo Say They “Wholeheartedly Agree” with Cancellation & Are Excited

“This can’t be true, Jimmy! Maybe if I can squeeze just one more baby out of my hooter, they’ll give us the show back!?”

It’s the end of an era filled with skirts, sofa birthing and scandals. 

Counting On— which has been highlighting the Duggar Family‘s hijinks since 2015– has officially been cancelled by TLC. 

The Sun was the first to break the news that the show would not be renewed for 12th season, citing an insider who stated that the Duggars were informed of the cancellation earlier this week. TLC later confirmed the news in a statement to Today. In her own statement, Jinger Duggar Vuolo told her followers she was “excited” about the future now that the show was cancelled, and made it clear she agreed with the network’s decision.

Although disgraced eldest Duggar kid Josh never appeared on ‘Counting On,’ it was his recent arrest for receiving and possessing child sex abuse material that got the show axed.

After Josh’s arrest in April, several petitions circulated the Internet urging TLC to cancel the Duggar clan’s show.

“We’ve been given the ax!”

“The family was told over the phone…” The Sun reported. “The petition from those who boycotted ‘Counting On’ was hard to ignore, and sponsors were very concerned following Josh’s arrest.”

“Can we even HAVE babies if their births aren’t filmed for a bad TV show? It don’t seem…natural!” 

The source stated that the network had already forked out plenty of cash to film the Duggars for another season; however given the seriousness of Josh’s charges and upcoming trial, the decision was made to scrap the footage and the show.

“There have been a lot of discussions in recent weeks as the network had already spent money on production after months of filming. But the bottom line is, the network really wants to be on the right side of this scandal ahead of Josh’s trial. It was important for bosses to be seen to have taken action. The case has put the show in such a bad light, and although it’s a shame for those who worked hard on it, and the money spent, there really is no way forward.”

“Thanks a LOT, Josh! Do ya have to ruin EVERYTHING!?” 

After The Sun‘s story was published, TLC confirmed the news in a statement made to several media outlets, including Today.

“TLC will not be producing additional seasons of ‘Counting On’,” the network said in the statement. “TLC feels it is important to give the Duggar family the opportunity to address their situation privately.”

Their “situation” (aka Josh’s legal issues) has already splintered the family, with some of Josh’s siblings and relatives publicly slamming Josh over his alleged actions. One such family member, sister Jinger Duggar Vuolo, released a statement on Instagram after news of the ‘Counting On’ cancellation went public. She and her husband Jeremy Vuolo made it clear that they felt TLC made the right decision to ax the show.

“We wholeheartedly agree with TLC’s decision not to renew ‘Counting On’ and are excited for the next chapter in our lives,” Jinger and Jeremy wrote. 

They did, however, thank the network and those behind the show for all they have done over the past six years.

“We are grateful for TLC for giving us the opportunity to be on their network over the years and their kindness towards the Vuolo family. It’s been a remarkable journey that’s opened doors to traveling and experiencing the world in a way that we wouldn’t have imagined possible.”

Later in the statement, Jinger and Jeremy stated that they plan to pursue their “creative journey” in California.

“‘Creative journey’…that’s code for ‘give us a show,’ networks!”

“We look forward to continuing our creative journey in Los Angeles and seeing what the future holds.” 

(Jinger and Jeremy were rumored to be looking to exit the show even before Josh’s latest scandal, although they never confirmed that rumor.) They have seemingly distanced themselves from most things related to the Duggar Family in recent months.

As of press time, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar had yet to release any statement regarding the cancellation. The other Duggar kids also remained silent.

That moment you realize you’re still stuck as part of the Duggar Family but now there’s no show…

‘Counting On’ premiered in 2015 as Jill & Jessa: Counting On, focusing on the growing families of Duggar kids Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Duggar Seewald. (At the time, they were the only married Duggars other than Josh, whose previous sex abuse scandal had gotten the family’s first show, 19 Kids and Counting, cancelled.) As the years went on, other siblings went on to get married and have babies blessings, with most of those births being featured on ‘Counting On.’ 

The last episode of ‘Counting On’ aired in September 2020.

I guess the Duggars will just have to get ‘real’ jobs now…

Over the years, The Ashley very much enjoyed recapping the placenta heap that was ‘Counting On.’ From birth specials to bad dates and holiday celebrations, The Ashley covered it all. If you’d like to relive the “so bad it’s almost good” days of the show, click here to read The Ashley’s ‘Counting On’ recaps!

RELATED STORY: Delayed! Josh Duggar’s Child P0rnography Trial Postponed Until Later This Year After He Requests “More Time to Examine Electronics”

(Photos: TLC; Instagram)

26 Responses

  1. Imagine being Josh and having not only shamed your entire family but being the one solely responsible for each of them losing their income? How does he even face any of them? He must know they freaking hate him. Not to mention they’re repulsed and horrified by what he’s done, prob don’t want their kids around him, etc. Yet he seems to sleep at night just fine, happily announces to them his wife’s 7th pregnancy, is even smiling in his mug shot? What an absolute POS. I would never be able to face anyone I know ever again. He seems to not be bothered by it. They each were set for life and this guy single-handedly brings them all down and still shows up to hang out with them on holidays. Damn.

    1. How can he stand even being with himself!
      I’m kind of sad they canceled the show.
      The way they were heading with more about the sisters was fun to watch.
      Why hurt all when it was him & the parents?

  2. I know what Josh did is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING and he better have to pay but……
    I will miss the show.

  3. Love the update, but I’m having Déjà vu… first it was 17, 18, 19 Kids and Counting, then Josh screwed up everything and Counting On hit the airwaves. Then Josh screwed everything up and… oh wait…
    So I’m wondering what the next re-brand will be.
    Counting Cappuccinos with Jinger?
    Counting Cars with the boys at the car lot?
    Courting On with the un-wed kids at home?
    Counting Cucumbers with Jana in her greenhouse?
    Counting Crappy Cooking “Recipes” with Jill?
    Counting Clothing hashtags from Crazy Cousin Amy’s Consignment?

  4. tlc like the duggars are horrible all that comment from jinger just sounds like coming soon to tlc jinger & jeremy show or how about the jill & derrick show they did it before they will do it again

    1. I could have sworn it was reported Jinger and Jeremy moved (to CA?) and it was rumored for filming. I don’t watch the show and only read Ashley’s recaps occasionally (I just don’t care for the Duggars after the first incident with Josh went public). They could have been filming for CO, but I believe a lot of posters speculated it’s for their own spinoff

  5. Didn’t watch this show, but loved the re caps ! ❤️

    Did daddy-Bob get money / paycheck from the spin-off?
    Counting on?


    1. Rumor (or maybe it IS fact, I don’t do their taxes LOL) is that ole JB was the sole recipient of all the earnings from EVERY participant on the show. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, because I just peruse these articles, I’m not a super-fan, but I remember reading that Derick was ticked off that he and Jill were forced to pay out-of-pocket for that atrocity TLC aired, that they called her “birth special”… you know, the one where she and the baby could have DIED??? It was worse than watching poor Anna on the sh!tter giving birth to one of her 23 children….

  6. Ahhh to be a fly on the wall when each member of this disgusting family loses everything ?. I normally would not wish financial ruin on anyone, but it couldn’t have happened to a better group of people.

    Have fun living on a pastor’s salary, Jing and Jerm. Nike Airs and daily eating out won’t be in your budget much longer ❤

  7. I’m honestly just shocked it took so long for TLC to pull the plug.

    Although, I guess I’m really not that surprised. They allowed Her Royal Highness Kate Gosselin to wreck havoc on society and television for years. And they copped out when the first Josh scandals broke.

    Ok, maybe I’m actually more surprised that TLC did the right thing and took a stand against the Duggars. I truly think the Duggars could have kept their show had they denounced Josh and his deplorable behaviors from the jump. But by JB defending his son over his daughters, grandkids and daughter-in-law, he wrote the death sentence for the family in terms of tv.

      1. A lightning bolt, that LITERALLY imprints the the message “WAKE THE F- UP, JB. FROM GOD” on his a$$. Nothing short of that will make it through his hair-sprayed noggin.

  8. I mean, didn’t we all think we were done with them when 19 kids & counting was canceled? This is a family of roaches. They’ll be back in no time ?

    1. You are so right. This is TLC putting a brand on pause till it’s “safe” for them to crank out another spinoff.

  9. I hope Jill and Derek are sitting home eating ice cream, laughing their heads off at all this, while they stare at his new law degree from a REAL place of learnin’!!

    As for the rest of them, put your kids in real school, get a real job, see a real movie, say some real curse words, get a real swim suit, have an adult beverage, and go enjoy the summer!!

    YOU’RE FREE!!!

    Your Daddy has no hold on you anymore!! Pick up your last TLC check from him, and go have some fun!

  10. I’m so happy about this, I don’t want JB to receive even a dime from reality TV.
    And for clarification, Abbie is the only one of the Duggar wives (and most Duggar boys) to actually have an education and work experience, she’s a trained nurse and was working when she met John David. Maybe she’ll have to get her Arkansas nursing license now idk

  11. Well, it’s about time. I do wonder how the Duggar boys are going to take care of their rapidly expanding families, though. None of them have any real world experience or any sort of decent, formal education, nor do they have any real work experience outside of working for their father’s various used car dealerships and Jack of All Trade odds and ends jobs. It isn’t going to be easy for them to find jobs that pay enough to support 10+ kids. Jim Bob the narcissist and his vapid wife have done a horrible disservice to all of their children.

  12. God bless you, The Ashley, for all the delightful “Counting On” recaps over the years! I truly think they were some of your very best! Happily, there are still plenty of reality shows just filled with Duggar-esque lunatics, and our lives here on the Roundup will continue merrily along! As one of your captions suggested, I do feel sorry for anyone who married into that family looking for fame and fortune! No more show, kids! I wonder what else Jim Boob has cooked up for his spawn??

  13. Hopefully they won’t do what they did the first time. Cancel the show, rename it and keep filming the Duggar’s like we are all stupid and couldn’t see right through TLC’s motives.

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