‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Mackenzie McKee Claims She Was Abused Daily By Husband Josh; Judge Claims Amber Portwood’s Tell-All Book Hurt Her Custody Case & More

“…to my publisher and say hold off on the book until the judge decides the case!”

From making claims of abuse to making claims in a book that hurt their court case, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately! In an effort to keep you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.    

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’- related things that have happened over the last week or so…

Mackenzie McKee claims she was emotionally abused by her estranged husband Josh; calls her marriage “toxic” and says she’s considering joining OnlyFans. 

“It’s a shame there isn’t a camera crew following me around to capture this empowering and not at all forced moment… isn’t it, MTV?!”

Mackenzie Douthit McKee segments on ‘Teen Mom OG’ were often filled with domestic disputes and garage-defecating youngsters and whatnot, but now that Mack is off the show, she’s dishing out the drama and spilling the tea on Twitter instead. Her latest posts raised some eyebrows after she made claims about having been abused by her now-estranged hubby, Josh McKee.

“I object. Just ask all them girls over at Billy Bob’s– I’m a swell guy!” 

As The Ashley previously told you, Mackenzie confirmed last month that her marriage to professional mumbler/amateur-rodeo rider Josh is over. Since then, Mackenzie has been seemingly embracing her new single status, while documenting it all on social media. However, after hearing concerns from people regarding her post-Josh behavior, Mackenzie took to Twitter to ask why those same people weren’t concerned when she was still in her toxic marriage and allegedly being abused. 

“People see me unleashed and finally happy after years of hell [and tell me] ‘I’m worried you are gonna go downhill’ bitch why were you not worried when I was suicidal and being emotionally abused daily,” she wrote on Sunday. “I’m good and free. Never been better in fact.” 

“Days earlier, Mackenzie referenced her traumatic and “toxic” relationship with Josh, claiming she was ready to move on from the pain. 

“Welcoming any emotions that want to come in…. ,” she wrote. “Grief, come on baby. Hurt, let’s GO. Trauma, time to feel it… like it’s time to feel them, and move on cause I’m busted through walls baby. Goodbye 12 years of toxic pain. Hello unleashed Mackenzie.” 


The Body By Mac founder also polled Twitter followers recently on whether or not they think she should jump on the OnlyFans train, hinting that she wouldn’t utilize the site for NSFW content.

“I hear you can use this platform for sooo much more than what people think…,” Mackenzie explained. 

“Really? I just use it to show off my ding-a-ling in tighty whiteys! It beats havin’ a damn job!”

For the record, fans were largely against the mom of three bringing Body By Mac– workouts or otherwise– to the subscription-based platform.

“No one is asking for this.” – Mackenzie’s friends, family, fans and four-legged animals.

A judge says Amber Portwood’s confessions in her latest book— and her outbursts during custody court– contributed to her losing custody of her son James. 

“Maybe I should have held off on that release.”

Amber recently suffered a major blow in her custody case, with her ex Andrew Glennon being awarded sole custody of their four-year-old son, James, and getting the go-ahead by a judge to move James to California, despite Amber’s hard-fought battle against the move.

After the ruling was made public, Amber issued a statement, writing that she is “heartbroken” and “devastated” by the ruling, and vowed to keep fighting against it. 

A recent report by The Sun states that Amber may have hurt her custody case when she released her latest book, So, You’re Crazy Too? As The Ashley has previously reported, the book— which was released while the custody battle was going on in February— contains graphic descriptions of Amber’s prior drug use, sexual escapades, mental health struggles and more. (You can some excerpts from the book here and here!)

According to court documents obtained by The Sun, the judge read Amber’s book and was alarmed by some of the things Amber admitted to in the tell-all. 

“[In the book, Amber] “discusses her significant history of substance abuse, her history of domestic violence, her volatile attitude and propensity for aggression, her extensive mental health issues, her belief that the in-patient facility she attended for anger management should have instead been for drug use,” the judge noted in the court documents.

“That judge has never been to gel! How would she know my life!?”

The judge also wrote that Amber mentioned in the book that she was concerned about getting off probation because she would then be responsible for keeping herself in-line.

“Her fear she will never have overnight parenting time with her son, that she finds herself canceling on her son more often than she would like, and the idea of getting off probation soon concerns her because she will be unwatched and unchecked,” the judge wrote. 

The judge also noted that, during some of the court hearings, Amber had to leave the courtroom several times in order to get control of her emotions. This was factored into the judge’s final custody decision, with the judge noting that Amber “demonstrated difficulty regulating her emotions at different points while testifying” during the hearings in early March. 

“I would like to go on record, Your Honor, and say that rill women aren’t afraid to cry!”

It was previously reported that the judge also factored in that Amber smoked marijuana during and after her pregnancy with James, and that the boy was born with THC in his system.

Amber will still get visitation with James, with those visits alternating between Amber’s home state of Indiana and California.

Kail Lowry said the producers want her back on ‘Teen Mom.’ (The Ashley tells you why!) 

Kail when they asked her to come back…

The producers of ‘Teen Mom’ are trying their best to convince Kail to come back to the franchise that made her famous, but Kail is refusing.

During a recent Instagram Live session, Kail told her followers that Larry & Co. have been blowing up her phone to ask her rejoin the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise. (As fans know, Kail quit ‘Teen Mom 2’ after last season.) 

“I actually got a call today asking me to come back!” Kail told her Live followers. “And I said no.” 

While fans assumed the producers wanted Kail back for ‘Teen Mom 2,’ The Ashley is being told by her sources that the call was actually made to invite Kail to join the cast of Teen Mom Family Reunion

“They just started casting for that show, for Season 2,” one source tells The Ashley. “Kail’s call came right at the time other cast members were getting casting calls for ‘Family Reunion’ Season 2.”

Rachel Beaver says her ex, Noah Kennedy got married to the girl he cheated on Rachel with.

“You better not be expectin’ no wedding present from me and the rest of the Beavers!”

Wedding bells are apparently ringing in BeaverVille— but it wasn’t someone from the Beaver Family who got themselves hitched recently.

Noah Kennedy— who is currently appearing on ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’— has reportedly gotten married– but not to Rachel, whom he is currently dating on the show. (Obviously the footage from the current episodes was filmed several months ago.) 

Rachel took to TikTok recently to claim that “he married the girl he cheated on me with.” While Rachel didn’t specifically mention Noah’s name in her post, Noah’s Facebook page does, indeed, state that he is now married.

@xxray_bx how am i even suppose to feel #fyp ♬ only love can hurt like this – favsoundds

Rachel and Noah split in March after Rachel allegedly found out Noah was cheating on her. Rachel claims that the girl Noah cheated on her with is now his wife. (The Ashley can’t confirm or deny Rachel’s claims.) 

“What can I say? The ladies can’t resist a man in a penguin hat!” 

To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here

(Photos: MTV; Twitter; Instagram; TikTok)

17 Responses

  1. Ambers kid will probably fail in California too. Seems like both Amber and Andrew don’t care about the kid and daddy just had him for money. Now living in a big huge house will probably be left unattended and neglected. Whole show needs to be dropped so these people who were given the chance to make something out of being teen moms, can actually maybe…. Become something? Heck Kail went to school and all she does is stupid podcasts and tried to sell crappy products no one wants. Same with Cait and so on. Waste of time given on these girls to do something valuable. Living off the money they made because of having kids pfff poor kids should get the money not the parents misusing it like fools.

  2. So Ashley what is the final count on how many babies from Teen Mom tested positive at birth?
    Apparently Morgan Freeman and others on TM are ok with this.
    So what? Let’s just keep throwing money at them.

  3. Why is Rachel dressing like an LOL doll? Leave it to the beaver. Anyone else see it?

  4. McKenzie is something….anytime someone said something to her she did not like about her marriage, she defended Josh. This is despite McKenzie constantly trashing Josh. It’s like clockwork. She’s so desperate for attention, it is sad. Next week they will be “better than ever”. I truly feel so bad for their children.

  5. So Amber lost custody because OF HER OWN DAMN FAULT? Go figure… Of course a judge with a brain would take into consideration how mentally and emotionally unstable she is (on her own admittion) before handling custody of a child. Just the fact that she smoked weed while pregnant should be enough not to give her custody

  6. I cannot stand Mackenzie. One day she is posting pic after pic of her and Josh being so happy and how much he has changed…then she’s mad no one told her to leave him? She will out her marriage issues all over social media then tell concerned people to mind their business. Then gets mad no one could see the signs she was suicidal?? She can’t go away fast enough for me.

  7. Amber, number 1 most horrible mother in the franchise. Hulk is a close number 2. That’s including Farrah and Jelly.

    I give Mac exactly 3 days on onlyfans before full frontal nudes are out. 1 week for sex acts

    stay lit.

  8. I wish that the judge who handled Amber’s custody case had also handled Jenelle and David’s custody case. At least Amber’s kids stand a chance now.

  9. Amber hired probably a top notch “family attorney” and she still lost full custody to her ex. The kid will be better off living in California and away from Indiana.

    1. That’s the scary thing. She probably hired a top attorney and still lost. Imagine what we don’t know that went on. Unless Andrew had an even better attorney paid for by mommy.

    2. Even the best attorney in the world can’t prevent Amber from being Amber. She isn’t even the type to take an attorney’s advice.

  10. Kail might not come this season, but she will.
    She feels powerful telling them no now, but wait until they DON’T call.

    Amber. Eff off.

  11. i believe mackenzie saying that josh abused her but i thought the entire fanbase been telling her to leave josh ever since it came out that josh told mackenzie to kill herself when she was suicidal? unless she’s referring to her family in that post because remember in season 8 when she was set on divorcing josh for cheating but her family including her mom were trying to convince her not to

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