‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Nathan Griffin Gets Back with His Estranged Wife; Leah Messer Says She’s Not Getting Any Sex & More

“Is it that hard to get a little pickle-tickle in this here holler?!”

From turning over a new leaf to turning over in bed and finding it empty, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last few days…

Nathan Griffith and Wife May Have Made Up & Moved to Las Vegas. 

“What could go wrong?! Besides everything, I mean…”

Sin City just picked up a couple of new residents. 

After a tumultuous and law-breaking summer, former ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad (and one-time swole-mate of Jenelle Evans) Nathan Griffith has packed up his collection of cut-off T-shirts and relocated from Florida to Las Vegas, Nevada. 

The news of Nate’s new residence was revealed on social media by his occasionally-estranged wife, May Oloya. 

“New Home… New Life ??,” May captioned a carousel of photos of her and Nathan posing with their dog in front of the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign. 

As fans know, Nathan has been in Vegas for a few months, and even managed to rack up some hefty charges in the short time he’s been in town. As The Ashley previously reported, Nate was arrested and booked into the Clark County Jail on July 12 for felony Battery by Strangulation against his sister Heather. (Click here for more details on what went down between the siblings.) 

If Nate and May rekindling their romance (again) or the troubled twosome moving across the country (away from Nate’s children) wasn’t enough to throw you for a loop, Nate’s straight-out-of Bret Michaels’ closet getup will do the trick– specifically his “FATHER” t-shirt. 

Being that Nate is basically a father in name only, we assume he’s playing it fast and loose with claims of being funny, grateful, patient, handy, devoted and proud, too.

Nate rocking his (hopefully ironic) “FATHER” T-shirt comes just weeks after he called himself a “sh**ty dad” on TikTok Live. Nate said he earned the title for not seeing his son Kaiser (whom he shares with Jenelle) in six months, and not seeing his daughter Emery (from a previous relationship) in a year. 

Jenelle called out Nate for being an absentee father back in July after she was asked on social media how involved Nate was in their son’s life. 

“Honestly I will say Nathan is dealing with his own issues at the moment,” she claimed. “But he hasn’t seen Kaiser since Christmas.” 

Nathan still has pending “Battery by Strangulation” charges in Vegas, so it’s unknown if he is allowed to leave the state of Nevada. He is currently sporting what authorities called “a high-level monitoring system” to track him, so it’s unlikely. He is not allowed to have contact with his sister Heather, per a protective order placed after the strangling incident.

His next court date is September 6.

Leah Messer Talks About How Hard It Is To Date While on TV; Says She’s Lacking Sex

“I reckon I could go for a suitor for my cooter right about now!”

It’s been 10 months since Leah split from her fiancé, Jaylan Mobley, after a whirlwind (and photoshoot-filled) relationship. However, in a series of new interviews, Leah made it clear that she’s not looking for a new photoshoot/life partner any time soon. Instead, she said, she’s looking to clean up the mess she’s made of her finances…and maybe get laid.

“I don’t want any distractions right now,” she told told E! News in a recent interview. “I’m just trying to make money, okay? And raise my daughters.” 

Leah— who has two failed marriages under her belt already— said she has a hard time finding someone to date because she’s worried a person will only want to be with her to get famous.

“Can you IMAGINE someone doing that?!”

“I think that it can be very difficult to date with the cameras around. You just never know someone’s intentions,” Leah recently told DailyMail.com. ”

I would enjoy that, someone to build with, grow with, make money with, absolutely,” she said, adding that it’s ben a while since she’s smacked no-nos with anyone.

“But at this time in my life, your girl’s lacking in the love department and the sex department, just saying!” Leah said. 

As for her breakup with Jaylan, Leah said that, in hindsight, it was a good thing for her.

“I needed that breakup,” Leah told E! News. “I’ve learned a lot from my last breakup and, moving forward, I do feel like my life is just beginning.” 

While her love life is on hiatus, Leah is working on getting her money matters in order. As The Ashley has previously reported, Leah is deep in tax debt. In May, she was hit with a new $290,297 tax lien, bringing the total in taxes she owes to Uncle Sam to almost $780,000.

Leah stated in June that she’s working to get her tax situation under control. 

“….but I owe a lot of ding-damn money!”

While Leah acknowledged that she hadn’t “made the best financial decisions in the past,” she’s feeling pretty good about her choices when it comes to bringing up her girls. 

“I want to do better,” she said in regard to her financial mistakes. “And when I’m complete in my life, then we’ll see [about dating]. But right now, I’m good. Stay away from me.”

Kail Lowry Says Her Son Isaac Doesn’t Want to See Javi Marroquin Anymore Because Isaac Has Trauma From Their Divorce

“Sorry, kiddo. Would designing some more wallpaper make you feel any better?”

On a recent episode of her Coffee Convos podcast, former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Kail Lowry talked about her divorce from Javi Marroquin, revealing that the split has had a lasting impact on her eldest son, Isaac.

“Truthfully, and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing has hurt Isaac more in his life than my divorce with Javi,” Kail told co-host Lindsie Chrisley. “ … nothing has affected him the way that my divorce did … to this day, I see the emotional turmoil that my divorce created in Isaac.” 

Kail, Javi and a pint-sized Isaac at the Marroquin nuptials…

As fans of ‘Teen Mom 2’ may remember, Isaac was quite young when Kail and Javi divorced in 2016 after three years of marriage and after welcoming son Lincoln. According to Kail, her and Javi’s divorce also took a toll on Isaac’s relationship with his younger brother.

“So when we split, Isaac was really struggling with his relationship with Lincoln and with Javi because at the end of the day, even though he looked up to Javi as a dad, that wasn’t his dad, but Lincoln still got to go do all that stuff and got to go be with Javi and got to spend that real quality time,” she said.

Though Kail acknowledged that Isaac’s father, Jo Rivera, is and always has been a big part of their son’s life, she explained that Isaac once treated Javi as father figure because the two saw each other more often. 

“Way to almost give credit where credit is due, Kail.”

Kail became emotional while discussing the current state of Isaac and Javi’s relationship–- or lack thereof–- as she revealed her firstborn “doesn’t want to see Javi now,” due to what she believes “could be abandonment.” 

“I don’t know, because it wasn’t like there was a decision made where Isaac’s never going to go with Javi again,” she continued. “It’s just the way things worked out, you know? Javi had a new family … .” 

(Javi and his ex-fiancé, Lauren Comeau, welcomed son Eli in 2018. While the couple went on to end their engagement due to Javi’s Wawa-wandering ways, they rekindled their relationship in 2022 and are still currently together.) 

Kail admitted it’s “really hard” to see that Isaac is still struggling with what happened. 

“ … I can never take this trauma away from Isaac,” she said. “That’s something he’ll have to live with forever.” 

“Yep…that AND the surplus of siblings I now have.”

As The Ashley reported last week, Kail recently admitted that her divorce from Javi made her never want to get married again, even though her boyfriend, Elijah Scott, is ready for them to take the next step. 

“[Javi and I] had this big f**king wedding, we wrote our own vows … and I didn’t even follow them, so what the f**k do I look like remarrying and saying all these vows? I didn’t even follow through with what I was supposed to do the first time,” she said.

Amber Portwood Is Getting Her House (And Her Couch) Back 

Amber, twerking about her house…

After three years, a nasty court battle and a series of rented couches, Amber is finally moving back to her Indianapolis home.

According to The Sun, Ambie— who has been living in rental homes since her 2019 arrest for assaulting her baby daddy Andrew Glennon— will be relocating back to Casa de Ambie at the end of the month. As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Amber has not lived in her spacious Indiana home since her arrest. Instead, she allowed Andrew and their son, James, to stay in her home so that James was not uprooted from his house and possessions. 

The home— which was featured prominently on ‘Teen Mom’ over the years— has seemingly been vacant since Andrew and James moved to California in late 2022.

After Andy vacated the house, Amber and her other baby daddy Gary Shirley went over there and discovered that everything in the home had seemingly been given a urine bath and the house was covered in filth. 

Apparently Andy was going for that ‘House From a Horror Movie’ look with his lawncare motif?

It is unknown why Amber continued to live in rental homes in 2023, when no one was living in the home she owned. 

Maybe it took almost a year to air out that pee smell?

The Sun reports, though, that Amber appears to be doing some work on the home.


30 Responses

  1. This best… of course your son will have trauma when you say things like, “Javi has a ‘new’ family”… it makes Isaac feel replaced.

    Javi does not have a new family, he has A family and it includes more people. She is doing a banger job raising these kids with parental alienation.

  2. Moving to LAS VEGAS, the city of sin, with Nathan is the 2nd biggest mistake his “wife” has ever made. The 1st mistake was marrying him in the first place. Hope she has the police on speed dial.

  3. I remember poor Isaac crying at Jo’s house because Kail told him he couldn’t see Javi anymore. Jo, being a stand up guy, reassured Isaac that he would make sure he saw Javi. And when Kail crushed Isaac when she told him that he wouldn’t have a room at Javi’s new house. Ugh, that poor boy. Meanwhile, she is the one who encouraged him to call Javi “dad” when it was totally unnecessary. Of course, he’s traumatized. Kail just won’t give that kid any kind of real stability.

    1. And she is treating each kid crappier and crappier, while being on the public record about it. Being open about almost aborting Creed? How is he going to feel about that when he’s old enough to know. And denying the existence of baby 5?

      The only smart thing Janelle ever did was to get her tubes tied. Kail can take a lesson. If she has to have a girl then adopt at this point, but not sure if any reputable agency would give her a kid. Or swap a kid for on of Cate & Ty’s non-Carlys.

    1. I know a lot of women do that, I was in military.

      The benefits really aren’t what people think, unless you already have nothing. Marrying him just got them Tricare and a little bit of extra money for BAH. She made more off Teen Mom probably but then again idk how much she was making at the time. I do feel it was more than what benefits received.

      I could def see the benefit of being married to a military hero tho. Soooo many women bragged about their husband’s military status, especially rank when he was high up.
      I’m not saying you’re wrong, this just my thoughts.

  4. Kail sucks so hard at being a mom – it was so gross when Isaac was young and Kail had Isaac calling Javi “dad”. Jo has always been an involved father so that was just an unnecessary eff u to Jo which in turn messed with Isaac’s head. She needs to stop popping out kids and focus instead on the ones she has. Wouldn’t be surprised if Isaac moved in full time his dad and his stable household. It’s too bad Vee is so involved with Kail now, but perhaps it helps pay bills.

  5. I really like Leah. She has come a long ways from taking pillses, neglecting the kids and lying to Corey and Jeremy. Her latest boyfriend didn’t work out but she can probably do much better.

  6. One thing I can say about divorce is it doesn’t just end when you turn 18.. for the rest of your life you are going to deal with your parents divorce. Your birthdays, weddings, then the kids you have will have to deal with having divorced grandparents at their holidays and birthdays..it’s a trauma you can’t understand til you’ve lived it tbh. I blame kail because she married javi and should’ve tried harder sorry not sorry tbh I stand by that

    1. Cheyanne has more class than any of these moms. I think she gets a lot of hate because she comes from money.

      1. That’s not why Cheyenne gets hate, nor is it because of her race. Chelsea came from money and didn’t get hate. Cheyenne isn’t a teen mom, married a lowlife (not as bad as David Eason, but Zach is no prize), and has said awful things. To give credit where credit is due, she’s not trashy unlike most of the other girls.

      2. I dont find the bragging about a drug habit to be classy at all.

        It’s still a drug, legal or not in CA.

        She’s on Jenelle level right there.

  7. Gee Kail, maybe you should have helped to facilitate a relationship between Javi and Isaac after your divorce, instead of making Isaac feel abandoned. She was too busy telling Javi that he wasn’t actually Isaac’s dad, so he had no right to see him. Jo was the one who was actually concerned about how Isaac felt and tried to bridge that gap between Javi and Isaac. Kail was more worried using her kids as pawns to worry about the psychological effects she was wreaking on her innocent children. People make mistakes, so I do understand that perhaps she didn’t realize the long term consequences of her emotional decisions when she was in the moment. However, she doesn’t seem to be taking any responsibility for her poor choices either, as per usual.

    1. Yes. Divorce is always really traumatic for children. I remember how torn up I was when my parents divorced. That’s why I believe that married people with children should always do everything is their power to put aside their pride and try and work it out. Javi and Kail were both too immature for marriage and they shouldn’t have rushed it the way they did, especially because Kail had a child.

      Also, Kail getting pregnant with another man’s baby right after the divorce made it even more traumatic for Isaac. I think that was the worst thing she’s done. Her son had to be deeply affected by her selfish, stupid decisions. Despicable.

  8. Issac is a victim of Kail and her selfishness. Always changing houses, boyfriends, having children — He has no constant and probably feels a lack of control.

    I’d bet we see him turn 18 and insist she no longer post and talk about him, and he join the military or a college across the country to get away from the circus he lives in.

  9. Kail, when will you STOP TALKING publicly about how your children, esp Isaac, feel? He is growing up and I am afraid just like Maci is ignoring Bentley’s wishes to not be shown so much anymore, you will also do it with Isaac…freakin’ respect your kids’ privacy! Goddamnit woman…and why is she suddenly talking so well abotu Javi? Are you secretly seeing him at WaWa too?

    Leah…just because you are single for some time, this doesn’t mean you have to rush into things, like you just sound desperate. I have been single for YEARS and I’m not here trying to hook up with the first man who looks at me nicely, lol. You know you can help yourself on that department, that’s all I’m gonna say.

    Nathan is a lost cause. Either his wife is dumb or she thinks he can change. Hope we won’t hear how he tried to strangle her too.

    Who did I miss? Oh yeah Ambie. I don’t care about her.

  10. What is truly amazing is how little of accountability Kail takes in that situation with Isaac and Javi. Also it could be his age, his life is becoming his own and he longer has to/wants to be part of Kail’s relationships or her emotional support person for them. Hopefully she gives him the space to be his own person.

  11. The only place worse for Nathan than Florida would absolutely be Vegas. Good freakin’ luck dude.
    This will not end well, it was impossible to not cringe the entire time I read that.

  12. Amber hasn’t move back to her house because she didn’t know how to get up from the couch and move.
    What kind of trash bag doesn’t have custody of any of her children? Agh

  13. Nathan needs serious inpatient mental help.

    Kail almost seems proud of the damage shes done to her children.

    Ugh Leah. Haven’t you had enough dillznick in your life? Give that thing a rest and raise your kids. Her and Kail need timeouts.

    I’m sure Amber has been doing extensive repairs on her home since evicting that squatter.

    1. Andrew is piece of crap too. He’s an opportunistic predator. And I don’t necessarily think Ambie won’t up one day and choose violence.

  14. Of course Nathan and his sometimes estranged wife moved to Vegas.. He’s going to have a decent amount of court dates.. and the prison is right there on the outskirts of town (oddly by a mall in the middle of nowhere)

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